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Published February 13, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Eastvale, California. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Question Deadline 02/18/2025 at 4:00 PM PT Online Q&A Yes The City of Eastvale (City) is seeking proposals from qualified firms and organizations (Proposers) to provide professional design services in transportation, roadway/pathway, and environmental for the Schleisman Road Mobility, Safety and Connectivity Project (Project). The Project area is on Schleisman Road between Hamner Avenue and Sumner Avenue in Eastvale, CA. Under this project, the City is considering an all-inclusive and all ages and abilities Class I trail/pathways on Schleisman Road between Hamner Avenue and Sumner Avenue in the existing roadway right-of-way as a preferred alternative. The City is particularly interested in firms that can demonstrate that they have successfully completed a project that is creative and unique that aligns with the City's needs. The City's intention is to enhance mobility, safety, and connectivity for this family-oriented community that enjoys the opportunity to connect with amazing schools and planned future trails. Other efforts will be focused on landscape architecture, healthy community infrastructure opportunities, and urban design of the trail facilities to create a unique experience. The City has several arterial streets that have more roadway capacity and right-of-way width than is needed to carry existing and future traffic volumes. This overabundance of vehicular level of service is at the expense of active transportation infrastructure to move and connect people between neighborhoods, parks, schools, and retail destinations. This project will mitigate the imbalance through the design and construction of about 1 mile of trail/pathways on Schleisman Road between Hamner Avenue and Sumner Avenue. A Conceptual Landscape Plan has been developed for the class 1 trail/pathways on Schleisman Road between Hamner Avenue and Sumner Avenue by Conceptual Design and Planning Company (CDPC) (Exhibit IV). The City's intent is to use the conceptual landscape plan to develop the construction plan, however, the scope shown on conceptual landscape plan may change subject to the feedback received from the public as a result of ongoing and future outreach efforts. It is to be noted that the final landscape plans are to be developed by a Landscape Architect, whom the City will contract with separately. The selected Consultant will be required to coordinate and provide support throughout the development process to deliver a seamless design. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 1) Proposer must have been in business continuously for the most recent five (5) years prior to the date of this RFP. 2) Minimum five (5) most recent years of experience performing similar services as those detailed in the scope of services of this RFP. 3) Proposer must have and maintain the appropriate California State licensing to perform the services required under the contract throughout the entire term of the contract and duration of this project if awarded a contract. A State of California Traffic Engineering (TE) license and/or Transportation Professional Certification Board Professional Transportation Operations Engineer (PTOE) certification are not required for preparation of signing and striping plans or traffic signal plans but are desirable in addition to the required State of California professional engineering practice license requirements and certifications in Landscape Architecture.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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March 11, 2026


Schleisman Rd, Eastvale, CA

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RFP Design - Schleisman Road Mobility, Safety and Connectivity Project

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