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Published March 11, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Oak Brook, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Village of Oak Brook is seeking bids from qualified vendors for the Reservoirs A & B Painting & Improvements Project. Tank Information: Reservoir A: The structure is a 3,500,000 gallon underground concrete reservoir with an approximate diameter of 153 ft. and an approximate sidewall height of 25 ft. located at 1915 York Rd. in Oak Brook, Illinois. Reservoir B: The structure is a 4,000,000 gallon underground concrete reservoir with an approximate diameter of 151 ft. and an approximate sidewall height of 30 ft. located at 2710 Meyers Rd. in Oak Brook, Illinois. The work includes: Reservoir A: Wet Interior Piping: Abrasive blast clean to a SSPC-SP10 near-white metal standard. Apply a three (3) coat zinc epoxy system. Wet Interior Exposed Rebar: Abrasive blast clean to a SSPC-SP10 near-white metal standard. Apply a two (2) coat epoxy system. Mixer: Install two (2) mechanical mixers. Repairs: 1) Replace the wet interior roof hatch. 2) Install a silt stop with deflector bars on the draw pipe. 3) Adjust the fall prevention device on the wet interior ladder. 4) Install roof vents. Reservoir B: Wet Interior Piping: Abrasive blast clean to a SSPC-SP10 near-white metal standard. Apply a three (3) coat zinc epoxy system. Exterior Appurtenances: Abrasive blast clean the roof vents and overflow pipe to a SSPC-SP6 commercial standard with containment. Apply a three (3) coat zinc epoxy urethane system. Mixer: Install two (2) mechanical mixers. Repairs: 1) Install a concrete curb extension for the roof hatch. 2) Install deflector bars on the draw pipe. Village of Oak Brook, Illinois 3,500,000 Gallon Concrete Reservoir (A) Wet Interior Piping Repaint And Miscellaneous Repairs 4,000,000 Gallon Concrete Reservoir (B) Wet Interior Piping Repaint Exterior Appurtenance Repaint And Miscellaneous Repairs A pre-bid conference will not be conducted for this Project Question Deadline 02/19/2025 The Bidder shall submit all questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents to DIXON in writing. Contact information and submittal procedures for such questions are to be made to the Issuing Office. 7.03 Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by DIXON and in DIXON's sole judgement, in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda delivered to all registered plan holders. Questions received less than seven days prior to the date for opening of Bids may Bid result- Reservoir (A) - Era Valdivia Contractors Inc. - $99,880 Reservoir (B) - Era Valdivia Contractors Inc. - $99,280


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Oak Brook, IL

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