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Published March 7, 2025 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Monterey, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
I. INTRODUCTION The City of Monterey ("City") is seeking proposals from qualified firms or individuals to provide professional environmental and civil engineering support services to assist the Public Works Department in the planning, design, preparation of specifications, engineering analysis, and construction support of public works projects. The term of the agreement will be for an initial one (1) year period and will include an option for four (4) annual extensions which will occur automatically unless terminated in accordance with the contract. The total term of this agreement will not exceed five (5) years, with an aggregate not-to-exceed fee for all tasks during the one-year term of $500,000. Subsequent annual extensions will provide additional funding of $500,000 per year, with a total maximum 5-year contract not-to-exceed amount of $2,500,000. The amount of work to be requested during the twelve-month contract period cannot be well defined at the outset. Work shall be issued through a notice-to-proceed. The City reserves the right to enter into agreements with multiple firms resulting from this Request for Proposals. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City desires to obtain the services of outside firms or individuals to help the City on improving, maintaining, and rehabilitating the City's sewer and storm drain infrastructure to meet current and future needs, ensure regulatory compliance, and enhance community resilience to environmental challenges. Specific support is also required for the City's Storm Drain Maintenance Program (SDMP), Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP), and compliance with the City's Phase II National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. The selected organization will provide the full range of services including but not limited to: o Efficient and cost-effective delivery of sewer and storm drain infrastructure projects. o Compliance with all relevant environmental and engineering standards and regulations. o Effective implementation of the Storm Drain Maintenance Program to minimize environmental impacts while maintaining critical infrastructure. o Consistent compliance with the Sewer System Management Plan requirements, including audits, updates, training, and reporting. o Long-term improvements in infrastructure performance and community satisfaction. III. SCOPE OF WORK Attached as Appendix A is a list of major work tasks to be accomplished as part of the scope of work. The proposer is asked to define the approach and the specific scope of work and methodology to achieve the objectives presented in this Request for Proposals ("RFP"). The proposer should include a refined scope of work by developing a detailed description of all project tasks, both those suggested in this RFP and any changes, additions or recommendations proposed. IV. DELIVERABLES Please submit one electronic copy of the proposal, plus one electronic copy of the fee schedule for this solicitation, with the name of the project and the proposer to the OpenGov Procurement portal using the instructions in item VI Submission of Proposals. V. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS A. The length of the proposal is not to exceed 20 PDF pages (single-sided). PDF pages should be letter size (8.5" x 11"), with no more than four pages at tabloid paper size (11" x17") B. All proposals shall include the following minimum information: a. Cover Letter: Provide a brief synopsis of the firm and project team. Identify the Project Manager, including contact information, who will be assigned as project manager for the work under this Request for Proposals. The letter must be signed by a principal of the firm authorized to submit proposals on behalf of the firm. b. Firm Qualifications and Experience: Provide detailed information on the firm's qualifications emphasizing the successful completion of similar project environmental projects or on-call programs. A minimum of three project references with contact information for projects completed or substantially completed within the last 5 years. Project references should be applicable to the specific project manager and key team members proposed for this project. Project references should include the size of the contract (dollar amount) and final outcome (under-/overbudget, on-/behind-schedule; completed, in arbitration; in process; etc.). A list of major projects, both ongoing and planned, to which the organization is committed during the time frame of this project should also be provided. Include the staff resources devoted to those projects and the status of the projects. c. Project Team: Provide a description of the proposed team, including all subconsultants, and organization chart clearly identifying the principal-in-charge, project manager, and key staff that will be assigned to the project. The proposal should describe key staff's experience relevant to environmental engineering, and their anticipated availability for this project if awarded. Resumes of key personnel, including any sub consultants, must be included. Resumes can be included as an attachment to the proposal not counted towards the proposal page limit. d. Approach to the Environmental Engineering: A description of methodology, techniques, and procedures for each task within the oncall scope of work. The approach should include a detailed work plan and should identify designated team members responsible for completing each task and providing certain deliverables. The work plan should include how the consultant's approach to keep projects on schedule and within the allowed budget. Applicants must demonstrate that they understand the magnitude and importance of each individual task. If appropriate, tasks should be organized into phases constituting measurable deliverables. e. Proposed Procedure and Schedule for Task Orders: The proposal shall include a description of their proposed process and timeline when responding to individual on-call task orders. The proposer should indicate how quickly team members will be able to respond to site visits when necessary. Proposers should indicate how close their office is. The applicant should provide a fee schedule for the duration of the agreement to successfully fulfill the Scope of Work detailed in this RFP. Required and optional tasks should be consistent with the tasks listed in the Scope of Work in Appendix A. The Fee Schedule should identify project team members, and hourly billing rates. The fee schedule should also include any direct costs such as travel, equipment, printing/materials. Any annual increases to quoted hourly rates must be reflected in the fee schedule submitted and must not exceed 3%. No "mark-up" will be allowed for direct costs. If applicable, per diem shall be billed at a maximum of the GSA rate and mileage shall be billed at the IRS mileage rate in place at the time of billing. No "mark-up" will be allowed for per diem or mileage. Subconsultant services are to be billed at cost plus ten percent (10%) maximum. VI. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS In order to download project documents, you must register as a vendor, at no cost, through the City's eProcurement Portal. Potential proposers, subcontractors and suppliers are responsible for reviewing the complete bidding documents, including all addenda, prior to submitting their proposal. They are also advised to check the City's e-Procurement Portal periodically and prior to submitting their proposal. Prior to the Submission Date, proposals may be withdrawn through the City's e-Procurement Portal by means of the responding firm "unsubmitting" their proposal in OpenGov Procurement. After withdrawing a previously submitted proposal, the responding firm may submit another proposal at any time up to the deadline for submitting proposals.
Water / Sewer
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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