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Published February 12, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lyons, New York. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000376082 The Wayne County Highway Department is soliciting for a vendor to provide roadside spraying on the 406 miles of County owned highways and additional locations noted. We are also soliciting on behalf of several towns within Wayne County. The Wayne County Highway Department is soliciting for a vendor to provide roadside spraying on the 406 miles of County owned highways and additional locations noted below. We are also soliciting on behalf of several towns within Wayne County. The towns and associated centerline miles are listed below and you should provide a separate price for each Town. Each town will make payment directly to the vendor for work on their Town Roads. 1. Vendor must provide a written statement that can be published in the local papers regarding their roadside spraying process. 2. Vendor is to spray all guiderailing, sign posts, utility poles, guy anchors and bridge abutments within the right of way of the County highways. 3. Vendor shall not spray any of the above items where a residential homeowner has a maintained lawn or roadside. 4. In addition to roadsides, the gravel parking areas at the following County facilities shall be sprayed (not all are accessible to spray vehicle): o Sheriff impound lot/Storage barn - 12,500 SF o Brantling Hill Tower - 7,500 SF Williamson Tower 5,000 SF o Butler Tower - 5,000 SF o Lyons Tower - 5,000 SF Rose Tower - 5,000 SF Walworth Tower - 5000 SF Wolcott Tower site - 5,000 SF Sewer Screening Building - 2000 SF o Highway Shop - 60,000 SF Stone Wall at 1759-1809 Wayneport Road (east and west sides) Stone Wall at 6389-6479 Fairville Station Road (east side) Stone Wall at Widewaters Park - 5271 NY Route 31 5. Please provide a price to provide the service for each Town listed below. Town of Arcadia 80.3 centerline miles Town of Butler - 57 centerline miles Town of Huron - 49.4 centerline miles o Town of Marion - 45 centerline miles Town of Macedon 56 centerline miles Town of Ontario - 47.2 centerline miles Town of Lyons - 47.7 centerline miles o Town of Palmyra - 49 centerline miles Town of Rose 50.4 centerline miles Town of Sodus 87.3 centerline miles o Town of Williamson - 47.5 centerline miles o Town of Wolcott 48 centerline miles 6. Spraying shall be completed by July 15, 2025. 7. Vendor shall be responsible for re-spraving areas that do not exhibit good 8. Wayne County will provide a list of "no spray" areas to the vendor. 9. Vendor shall provide insurance coverage as described in the attachment. There will be no exceptions to the required coverage. 10. Vendor must be certified to provide roadside spraying services and must follow all NYSDEC and EPA regulations. 11. Award of bid will be based on the price provided for the Wayne County work only (406 miles of road plus (13) other locations). The Towns will have the ability to contract with the low bidder for spraying services on Town Roads. The following is a brief description of the scope of work: Question Acceptance Deadline 02/26/2025 03:00 PM EST Questions are submitted online Yes Purchase Type Duration: 1 year


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Lyons, NY

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