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Published February 14, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, new construction and renovation of a mixed-use development in New York, New York. Completed plans call for the construction of a educational facility; for the renovation of a educational facility; for site work for a educational facility; and educational facility.

Design & Construction Services in Connection with Building MEP Commissioning and Design Review Services This solicitation is to obtain services in connection with Building MEP Commissioning and Design Review Services. The SCA anticipates awarding up to four (4) contracts to firms that are prequalified by the SCA at the time of contract award. To assist you with your request, the following is a brief summary of services that will be required: General Information/Brief Summary: The firms selected under this RFP will provide the SCA with services in connection with innovative green building practices, features, and technologies for new building and existing building renovation projects in New York City through the application of its LEED-equivalent NYC Green School Guide (the "GSG") program and to meet the requirements of the New York State and New York City Energy Conservation Codes (the "ECC"). The Consultant shall regard the GSG and the ECC as its primary document with other citing and requirements contained therein as secondary documents. To request information regarding the RFP: Please E-MAIL to rfp@nycsca.org for any inquiry regarding this RFP. Upon receipt of the requested information, your request will be forwarded to the User Department for review and consideration. Participation in the RFP process will be pending User Department approval. Please put the Solicitation Pin Number as the subject of your email. In your e-mail you MUST INCLUDE the following information: A description of your firm's experience including: Firm's legal name; EIN Number; the length of time your firm has been in existence and performing the services required under this RFP; prior projects; firms you've partnered with; and the value of the portion your firm worked on. Whether your firm is pre-qualified with the SCA. The full contact information of the person to whom the RFP should be sent, including: Title; phone number; fax number; and Street address. Please ensure that an actual street address must be provided as RFPs are not sent to PO Boxes. Once the requested information is received, and upon approval from User Department, you may be invited to participate in this RFP.




Public - City

LEED Certification, New Construction, Renovation, Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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