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Published March 7, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a parking garage in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a parking garage.

Allegheny County is looking for contractors to provide labor, materials, and equipment required to refurbish the electrical and lighting systems at the Southside garage. Work will be performed under Electrical and General Prime Contracts. Question Deadline 03/03/2025 at 3:00 PM ET location : online portal. 1. Provide labor, materials, and equipment required to refurbish the electrical and lighting systems at the Southside garage. Perform Work under following Prime Contracts: a. Electrical Construction b. General Construction (Structural) 2. Remove and Dispose of Existing: a. Demolition is to include all current interior lighting fixtures, existing service entrance and associated metering, exterior lights under fuel canopy and the main rollup door, also any other lights indicated on the drawings as to be replaced. b. Any existing conduit, cabling and electrical panels that are not being reused are to be removed, with the exception of conduits and cabling in finished walls, above ceilings or in the rafters in the main work areas. These can be abandoned in place however no exposed wiring shall be left outside of any conduit. Any wiring that is abandoned in place is to be taped off. c. Two windows and associated trim will be removed at front of the building. 3. Furnish and Install: a. Contractor to install new structural wall infill where the two windows are removed b. Replace the two current incoming electrical services with one single new service. New service to be 208V, 3 phase, 4 wire system. c. The new incoming services is to be mounted on the revised wall section at the front of the building. Installation must meet Duquesne Light Company (DLC) standards. d. Contractor to procure and install light switches, conduit, and light support, disconnects for any items not provided with one, contractor to procure electrical panels and associated breakers. e. The grounding system is also to be updated to ensure proper grounding throughout the building. Incoming water line is to be bonded to the new grounding system as well as existing telephone system. Existing ground system is to be maintained. f. GFCI receptacles are to be installed in all exterior locations and indoors wherever required per NEC. g. In order to reduce installation and material cost the contractor is expected to reuse as much of the current system as practical. The contractor has latitude to replace existing system components with new components where this is more practical. h. Contractor is to review all existing 230V motors for compatibility with the new 208V service, any labeled as strictly 230 or 240V are to be replaced. The Contractor shall commence the Work within 7 Days after issuance of the Notice to Proceed from the County, unless the Notice to Proceed states otherwise, and shall attain completion of the Work within 180 Days after issuance of the Notice to Proceed ("Contract time"), subject to adjustment in accordance with the Contract Documents.


Parking Garage


Public - County






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March 12, 2025

April 11, 2025


215 McKean St, Pittsburgh, PA

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