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Published March 21, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a communication facility in Macon, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a communication facility.

3. Minority Women Owned, and other Disadvantaged Business Enterprises are encouraged to participate in the solicitation process. Additionally, respondents are encouraged to use M/W/DBE subcontractors where possible. Question Deadline 02/21/2025 at 3:00 PM ET . All questions must be submitted by email only to Lhardwick@maconbibb.us . 330-13 330-10 936-84 Bid Bond A. Bids, in order to be considered, shall be accompanied by a bid bond, payable to the Owner, in amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total base bid. a) This bid security shall become payable to the Owner only if the bidder, to whom award is made, should fail to execute a contract with the Owner and furnish bond and insurance in accordance with terms of the contract within ten (10) days after notification of award. D. Sealed Bids SCOPE OF WORK ATTACHMENT B Introduction/Background An inspection at the Allied Industrial, Breezy Hill, Knight Road, and Town Creek tower sites, located at 456 Guy Payne Road, 4101 Forsyth Road, 4520 Knight Road, and 3177 Upper River Road, respectively, Macon, Georgia 31210, show multiple deficiencies for a proper public safety radio facility. The tower and antenna systems were built sometime prior to 2000. Objectives The objective of this project is to provide a turn-key solution for the tower upgrade and antenna systems: o Upgrade the tower structures in accordance with Maintenance and Condition Assessment Reports from the inspections done by Tower Engineering Professionals (TEP) o Install all antennas, lines and hardware as specified. o Provide and install proper cable support. o Provide and install antenna transmission line cable management system and cable entry ports (enlarge to accommodate all cabling plus spare ports. o Provide and install building and tower grounding system. o Install new LED tower light system. o Remove old antenna system and hardware. Terms and Definitions o County - Macon-Bibb County, Georgia. o Towers - 580ft, 150ft, 400ft, and 470ft. Communications Towers respectively in County. o Project Manager - Respondent's representative responsible for coordination with County personnel and other contractors and individuals as may be required by the County for properly fulfilling the contractual obligations of the successful Respondent. o Site Ready - tower upgrade and new antenna system installation, where applicable, is complete and prepared for cut-over. o AI - Allied Industrial o BH - Breezy Hill o KR - Knight Road o TC - Town Creek o TEP - Tower Engineering Professionals (Engineers of Record) Scope of Work (Allied Industrial and Town Creek) o Supply and Install Grounding for Tower and Site Grounding System: o The site will be considered to include the tower, cable ice bridge, equipment shelter, exterior cable management, exterior cable entrance, interior cable entry/termination point and interior cable management at entry port (trapeze). o The grounding system will include a four foot (4') tower top lightning rod, the tower grounding (Earthing), the grounding of all antenna cables at the antenna elevations 2 (top), cables mid-tower, cable tower exit points (TGB, bottom), building cable entry location (EGB) and equipment room interior cable entry point (IGB). Each coax will have grounding kits every 75ft. o Interior Grounding: Ground Bars: 4x30 Kit ground bars, insulators, connecting rods and exothermic welded #2 tinned solid copper to earth ring. Interior and exterior. Trapeze to be three levels and solid copper with holes for bolting TVSS. Trapeze to be grounded as shown in the grounding specifications o Copper wire provided by Contractor. o Note: All grounding to meet or exceed Harris Site Grounding And Lightning Protection (T4618RevF) Specifications. o Supply and Install Cable Ice Bridge and Cable Management System: o Cable ice bridge will be constructed of 18" wide galvanized steel Grip Span with cable supports placed near either end (approx 36") with stainless-steel snap-in cable hangers. o Vertical waveguide: 18" wide with snap-ins every 48" vertical and secured to tower diagonal members. o Supply and install all required cable entrance port boots for all openings with appropriately sized cable cushions. o Cable entry: Coax Entry (exterior): (1) Microflect 12 (3x4), 4" Hole cable entry port sealed to building wall. Coax Entry (interior): 2x8 pressure treated wood framed inside cinder block wall and dressed to match existing interior wall. Coax to terminate 18" inside from the exterior port plate and TVSS to be bolted directly to trapeze. o Interior 18" cable ladder to meet new port complete with mounting hardware and grounding. o Antenna Installation Matrix and Requirement: o All six-foot side arms, transmission lines, connectors, TVSS, jumpers, weatherproofing, hoisting grips and ground straps will be supplied and installed by the tower contractor. Antennae by others. o Provide antenna sweep testing on all antenna systems and components upon completion of installation using MBITR Antenna Systems Sweep Testing Standard (MBIT-17002 Rev 1.1) or newer. Sweep testing will consist of, but not limited to, the following: Antenna Return Loss, Transmission Return Loss, Transmission DTF into a Load, Transmission Return Loss into a Short, Transmission DTF into a Short, Antenna system Return Loss with surge protectors inline, Supply test results in printed and electronic (PDF and Anritsu raw data file) format as part of the tower documentation submission upon project completion. o Supply and install digital LED tower lighting system (Flash Technology, new tower lighting system to have daytime high intensity strobes, nighttime infrared and red flashing lighting), no monitoring services. o Remove old antenna system and hardware (make and model of the existing antenna system is unknown, use the provided tower mapping to assist in identifying existing equipment, For questions or comments about this documents technical content or to request changes to the document, contact: Christopher Land, Radio Systems Manager Macon Bibb County Information Technology Radio Office: 478-621.6413 E-mail: cland@maconbibb.us




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