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Published March 10, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Medina, Ohio. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ)The Medina County Highway Engineer is soliciting statement of qualifications for inspection services for the superstructure demolition, substructure rehabilitation, and construction of the Wall Road Bridge Project (T.H. 145, Bridge No. 3). This project will be administered by the County as an ODOT local-let state exchange LPA project. Only consultants who have engineers/inspectors with bridge construction experience and who are on ODOT's current pre-qualified list for the following Engineering Service will be considered; Construction Inspector/ Engineer Current awarded Construction Cost: $752,818.93 Scope of Services: The inspection of the bridge demolition and construction shall be in accordance with the "State of Ohio Department of Transportation, Construction and Material Specifications," dated January 1, 2023, except when modified by the contract documents, plans, supplemental specifications or proposal notes. The existing structure to be demolished is a single span, steel I beam bridge, 16 feet wide and approximately 53 feet long with a corrugated metal deck with an asphalt overlay. The existing structure is supported on old bridge stone abutments, and spans the River Styx. Abutments will be partially removed and left in place. The proposed structure will be a single span, concrete box beam bridge on integral concrete abutments, 28 feet wide (two 10 foot lanes and a 4 foot guardrail offset), and 68 feet long with a 8" minimum concrete deck. The new roadway pavement will vary in width with approximately 6 feet graded shoulders. The new roadway should be tapered to meet the existing pavement and roadway width at a 25 to 1 rate. The project is expected to include about 500 feet of work including the bridge. The contractor will be given 90 days to complete the contract, with a completion date of October 11, 2025. Approximate start date for the project is at or around April 1, 2025. The Inspection consultant should expect 10-12 weeks of full time inspection with in this time frame. Additional information on the project and the "Requirements for Statement of Qualifications, Programmatic Selection Process" can be found on the County Engineers website at website under the "Legal" section. Selection Procedures: The County Engineer will rank consultants based on the Statement of Qualifications. Qualifications should include resumes and names of likely primary inspector and their replacement/backup for the above mentioned job. The County Engineer may select a consultant based on the Statement of Qualifications, or select two to three firms to interview. The County will then choose the firm best qualified to be invited to negotiate a contract. All questions are to be submitted via email toehollopeter@medinaco.org


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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RFQ - Wall Road Bridge 3 Replacement - Superstructure and Partial Substructure Demolition, Total Bridge Construction, and Construction Inspection

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