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Published February 21, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a municipal facility in Tallahassee, Florida. Completed plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

The FDACS Conner Complex project consists of a new office building complex, parking garage structure, and related site development for the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Office Building - Five (5) stories of above-grade occupiable space totaling approximately 254,000 gross square feet. Parking Garage - Precast parking garage structure for approximately 900 vehicles and totaling approximately 315,000 gross square feet. Site development work will include new entrance driveways, retaining walls, hardscaped areas, landscaped areas, site utilities, and surface parking for approximately 200 vehicles. BID GROUP 1: 01 54 16 Man & Material Hoist 01 74 23 Final Cleaning 10 28 00 Toilet & Bath Accessories 10 40 00 Emergency Cabinets 10 44 00 Fire Protection Specialties 10 51 00 Lockers & Benches 11 12 00 Parking Control Equipment 11 13 00 Loading Dock Equipment 11 30 00 Residential Equipment 11 40 00 Food Service Equipment 11 61 36 Theater and Stage Equipment 12 20 00 Window Treatments 32 14 00 Unit Paving 32 31 00 Fences & Gates 32 33 00 Site Furnishings 32 90 00 Landscaping & Irrigation 34 40 00 Roadway Signaling & Control Equipment Interested bidders are required to complete Ajax Building Company, LLC's prequalification process. Only bidders meeting pre-qualification criteria may bid. This prequalification process consists of an Annual Prequalification and a Project-Specific Prequalification. The subcontractor's financial condition must demonstrate that adequate fixed and liquid assets and equipment are available to properly perform the Subcontract. Bids may be considered non-responsive if bidder has not completed the prequalification process. For contractors, businesses and trades that are regulated by licensing, bidder must be licensed in the State of Florida. For contractors, businesses and trades that are regulated by licensing, bidder must be licensed in the State of Florida. Bid Documents for FDACS New Conner Facility were made available electronically on February 3, 2025. If you are unable to physically submit your bid proposal in hard copy to Ajax Building Company, LLC, your bid proposal may be submitted via email to mike.imbler@ajaxbuilding.com and larry.goodbread@ajaxbuilding.com or via online prior to the bid closing date and time. If bid proposal is submitted via email, bidder shall scan the complete bid proposal submittal (including bid proposal form, bid proposal affidavit, bid security, and other documents as may be required) and email bid proposal submittal as one (1) electronic (PDF) document. Subject line of email shall be marked "Bid", with name of project, bid package number and description, and bidder's company name. Ajax Building Company, LLC must receive the original hard copies of your complete bid proposal submittal (including bid proposal form, bid proposal affidavit, bid security, and other documents as may be required) in our office at 1080 Commerce Boulevard, Midway, FL 32343 no later than the close of business on the next business day after bids are due. The Construction Manager reserves the right to reject any and all bids received and to waive any and all informalities or irregularities in regard thereto. Bid Proposals Totaling $40,000 or Greater Each bid totaling $40,000 or greater must be accompanied by a Bid Bond on the form enclosed in this Master Bid Package, certified check, or cashier's check in an amount no less than five percent (5%) of the total base bid amount as guarantee that the bidder will, if awarded the contract, enter into a written contract, satisfactory in form, containing a penalty clause and requiring workers compensation and public liability insurance and approval of subcontractor by Ajax Building Company, LLC and shall be prepared to provide Payment and Performance Bonds on the forms enclosed in this Master Bid Package to Ajax Building Company, LLC in the full amount of the contract price within seven (7) days after acceptance. Bid Proposals Totaling Less Than $40,000 Bid security and bonding requirements do not apply to bid proposals and subcontract awards totaling less than $40,000. At the discretion of Ajax Building Company, LLC, a shortened Subcontract Agreement form may be used for subcontract awards totaling less than $40,000. **Total/Overall Project Value Listed




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New Construction, Site Work

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3125 Conner Blvd, Tallahassee, FL

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FDACS New Conner Facility - Bid Group 1

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