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Published March 11, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a civil project in Burnsville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the demolition of a bridge / tunnel; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; and water / sewer project.

Contract Id: C205065 WBS Element No.: DF18313.2100309.PR, DF18313.2100413.PR, DF18313.2100412.PR & DF18313.2100411.PR Route No. SR 1333 and SR 1338 Miles: N/A County: Yancey Location: Replacement of Bridges in Yancey County Design-build as Specified in the Scope of Work Contained in the Request for Proposals The scope of work for this project includes design, construction and management of the replacement of three bridges with three bridges. Construction shall include, but not be limited to, all necessary clearing, grading, roadway, drainage, structures, utility coordination and relocation, and erosion and sediment control work items for the bridge replacement. Construction shall comply with Standard Specifications and any special provisions. 5% Bid Bond or Bid Deposit Required Project Details The Design-Build Project consists of replacing a total of four (4) bridges located in Yancey County. All four bridges shall be replaced using staged construction or a temporary on-site detour. The Design-Build Team shall be responsible for designing and constructing approaches to tie the new structure into the existing pavement in accordance with the NCDOT Sub Regional Tier Design Guidelines for Bridge Projects, which are included in the 2024 NCDOT Roadway Design Manual, current NCDOT design standards and NCDOT policies. The Design-Build Team shall make every effort to stay within the existing right of way to reduce or eliminate the need for additional right of way or easements. All bridges are considered subregional tier. The Design-Build Team shall use the Travel Lane Width (2 lanes) at each location as shown in the table below (unless otherwise noted herein) for the full length of the construction limits. The lanes shall tie to match existing travel lane widths. County Bridge No. Route ADT Travel Lane Width (ft) Yancey 990157 SR 1388 150 9 Yancey 990192 SR 1333 270 9 Yancey 990193 SR 1333 270 9 Yancey 990233 SR 1333 270 9 The Design-Build Team shall design the facility to meet or exceed the existing design speed. Reductions in design speeds in order to retain existing horizontal and vertical alignments will be allowed per the NCDOT Sub Regional Tier, located in the 2024 NCDOT Roadway Design Manual; any further reductions will require a design exception. Other design exceptions will only be considered if the proposed criteria meet or exceed existing conditions At a minimum, the Design-Build Team shall construct full depth pavement in all areas of missing pavement, pavement removal, or widening. In no case shall the existing pavement width be narrowed. At all bridge sites, the extent of pavement milling, resurfacing and / or overlay as necessary shall extend a minimum of 1) 50 feet from the ends of the bridge and 2) to the end of the guardrail. The Design-Build Team shall pave to the face All firms shall be prequalified by the Department for the work they are to perform. Joint Ventures, LLCs or any legal structure that are different than the existing prequalification status must be prequalified prior to the Price Proposal submittal deadline. Subcontractors need only be prequalified prior to performing the work. Design firms shall be prequalified prior to the Price Proposal submittal deadline. If the work is to be performed by an office other than the one that is prequalified, that office shall be prequalified prior to any design submittals The date of availability for this contract is April 28, 2025, except that the Design-Build Team shall only begin ground disturbing activities as allowed by this Request for Proposals (RFP). The Final Completion Date shall not be later than October 1, 2026. Appointment - Email specs@ncdot.gov or call 919.707.6900 to schedule an appointment. Question Deadline 02/24/2025 For questions regarding the form or reporting, please contact the State Value Management Engineer at 919-707-4810. NCDOT - RFP D/B - Hurricane Helene Emergency Express Design-Build Division 13 Group 17 Bridge Replacements


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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March 18, 2025

April 28, 2025


SR 1333 & SR 1338, Burnsville, NC

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RFP D/B - Hurricane Helene Emergency Express Design-Build Division 13 Group 17 Bridge Replacements

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