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Published February 25, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in New York, New York. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

NYC Health + Hospitals’ Office of Facility Development (“OFD”) is seeking a qualified Vendor to provide servicing as needed and more fully described herein for their newly installed Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System at their Bellevue Hospital located at 462 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016. The selected vendor will perform maintenance in order to ensure the CHP system delivers reliable and efficient electrical and thermal energy to the facility 24/7, year-round with downtime limited exclusively for scheduled maintenance. The system is expected to operate a minimum of 8,000 hours annually. Effective July 1st 2025, NYC Health + Hospitals will own and operate a 4 MW CHP System whose generator set is located in the South parking lot of Bellevue Hospital on a newly constructed two floor steel structure. This RFP seeks a vendor to provide comprehensive maintenance, testing, service calls, repairs, and startup support to maintain and optimize the CHP system’s performance. The vendor must ensure maximum system uptime, reliability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness through timely service, including both scheduled and emergency responses. The CHP system consists of two CAT G3516H natural gas-fired gensets, each rated at 1982 ekW. The core components of the system, including the gensets, Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system, and major electrical equipment (primary gear, transformers, G&T Device), are housed in a preassembled, walk-in enclosure near the South parking lot. The CHP ancillary equipment (high and low temperature heat rejectors, heat exchangers, hot water circulating pump skids, etc.) are located on the Campus F-Link roof and the 13th floor of the Hospital Building (H Building). Refer to the attached CHP system layout for details. Services procured under this RFP include minimum required scheduled maintenance, repairs, and preventative maintenance tasks as detailed in the Scope of Work. The selected vendor shall adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations and industry standards when performing maintenance tasks on the equipment (e.g., gensets, SCR systems, pumps). This RFP encompasses all parts, materials, equipment, consumable supplies (lube oil, glycol), and labor required for the safe and efficient completion of all outlined maintenance tasks. NYC Health + Hospitals is seeking a vendor that has a proven track record and is capable of being responsible for the comprehensive maintenance of our CHP System. DOB NOW Job #: M00673396-11, M00673316-11, M00686238-11



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Maintenance and Repair Service Combined Heat and Power System

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