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Published February 24, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Question Deadline 03/20/2025 at 4:00 PM ET Questions through Online Portal Under the Specifications for the Work, the successful bidder is to provide the required number of containers, and all labor, materials, vehicles and equipment needed to dispose of collected trash, as well as pay all fees associated with disposal. Bidders are required to bid on both Container Sites as described herein. The successful Bidder shall provide the requisite containers at the below locations during the spring and fall clean up time periods. The spring cleanup time period shall be from April 11, 2025 through and including April 12, 2025. The fall clean up period shall be from October 24, 2025, through and including October 25, 2025. The Work shall include the successful Bidder providing the requisite number of containers at the following locations during the above-referenced time periods: CONTAINER SITE #1: Enough containers to accept a MINIMUM of 300 cubic yards of material shall be provided. Bidder will not charge Township for any unused containers. Individual containers must be no smaller than 20 cubic yards and must be delivered to the Municipal Center yard, 147 Municipal Drive, East Stroudsburg, PA 18302 on or before April 10, 2025 for the spring cleanup and on or before October 23, 2025 for the fall cleanup. Containers that are filled and in need of removal shall be removed within two (2) hours of notice from the Township. CONTAINER SITE #2: Enough containers to accept a MINIMUM of 160 cubic yards of material shall be provided. Bidder will not charge Township for any unused containers. Individual containers must be no smaller than 20 cubic yards and no larger than 30 cubic yards and must be delivered to the Wooddale Center yard, 792 Dancing Ridge Road, East Stroudsburg, PA 18302 on or before April 10, 2025, for the spring cleanup and on or before October 23, 2025, for the fall cleanup. Containers that are filled and in need of removal shall be removed within two (2) hours of notice from the Township. Metal product(s), tires, computers, computer monitors and televisions will be separated and hauled by the Township. Contents in the containers will be general trash. Additional containers may be required and must be exchanged within two (2) hours of notice from the Township, including on Saturday. The remaining containers must be removed within three days of the scheduled clean up end date for each period. No hazardous materials or paint cans with contents will be accepted. Should bidder require any separation of materials, this requirement must be noted in the bid documents. The Successful Bidder shall provide: company name for past (5) years if different than current name; telephone number for dispatcher, including a number for Saturday service; a copy of your PA DEP License; a copy of your Monroe County Waste Haulers Licenses; a Certificate of Insurance, naming Middle Smithfield Township as an additional insured Certificate Holder with the requisite policy limits set forth in the Bid Documents; and a letter stating that your company will provide the Township with a ticket from the landfill for each load taken from the township cleanup within (5) days. Price per Cubic Yard must include set up and exchange of containers. The disposal site must be in compliance with Monroe County Solid Waste Management Plan as amended. Each bid must be accompanied by a Certified Check, Treasurers Check, or Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the estimated total contract price and all other required documents as set forth in the bid documents. The successful bidder shall, within fourteen (14) days after notification of an award, enter into a written contract with the Township, and deliver a Performance Bond guaranteeing performance of the contract in the amount of 100% of the total contract price as set forth in the bid documents, together with all other required documentation set forth in the bid documents. All bids must be submitted using the bid form provided by the Township together with a Bidders Affidavit and Non-Collusion Affidavit. The Township Board of Supervisors hereby expressly reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and the right to award part or all of any bid. The Township expressly reserves the right to re-advertise if the best interests of the Township are to be hereby promoted. The Township may waive technical defects if, in its judgment, the best interests of the Township shall so require. No bid may be considered from any person, firm or corporation who has defaulted in the performance of any contract or agreement previously made with the Township or conclusively shown to have failed to perform satisfactorily such contract or agreement with the Township. All bids shall remain irrevocable for 60 days after the actual date of opening thereof. The successful bidder shall accept and file with the Township proof of compliance with or exemption from the Pennsylvania Worker's Compensation Act. Bids may be held by the Township for a period of up to (60) days from the date of the opening of Bids for the purpose of reviewing the Bids and investigating the qualifications of the Bidders, prior to awarding the Contract.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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March 27, 2025

April 11, 2025


Multiple Locations, East Stroudsburg, PA

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