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Published March 6, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

In order to view the bid documents and/or submit a bid, interested contractors must register under "Supplier Registration" with the City's online portal:website Any questions regarding this Notice or the proposal documents should be directed to John McClenny 405.742.8233 or john.mcclenny@stillwater.org 1. Contract Term and Extensions The term of this Service Contract will begin upon award and execution of an agreement with the City of Stillwater and will end on October 31, 2025. The contract may be extended for up to three additional terms through a written Extension Agreement executed before the expiration of the initial term or any extension. The parties acknowledge that the contract term may need to be adjusted based on the actual length of the growing season. Any such extension must be agreed upon in writing before the expiration of the then-current term. 2. Scope of Work The selected Contractor shall provide lawn care services at all designated City facilities listed in the Line Items tab, along with a per-acre on-call rate for additional services as needed. If it is determined to be in the best interests of the City, the City reserves the right to: Award the entire contract or only specific line items. Award portions of the contract to multiple contractors. Bidders are not required to bid on every property listed in order to submit a bid. Maps are provided for each facility. 3. Required Lawn Care Services The Contractor shall perform the following services weekly (32 times per year) at each designated location: 3.1 Mowing, Trimming, Edging, and Clean-up Mow all designated areas, keeping grass height no greater than 3 inches. String line trimming is required around all obstacles, including but not limited to signs, fences, buildings, trees, and steps. This must be performed during each mowing. Blade edging shall be performed on all sidewalks, concrete pads, walkways, and curbs during each mowing. Use of a string trimmer for edging is not permitted. Bagging of clippings is not required; however, Grass clippings, leaves, limbs, trash, and yard waste must not be left in roadways, sidewalks, drainage areas, or City property. Clean-up must be completed within 24 hours of mowing. Citations may be issued for violations. 3.2 Safety and Equipment Use All safety devices on equipment must be used as designed by the manufacturer. Mower discharges shall be directed away from hard surfaces, streets, vehicles, tree wells, play areas, and landscape beds whenever possible. 3.3 Trash and Debris Removal Remove all litter and trash from mowing sites before each mowing. Remove and dispose of fallen tree limbs from the site. Damage to tree trunks caused by equipment is unacceptable. 4. Mowing Schedule After execution of the contract, the Contractor must provide City staff with a mowing schedule that specifies which day each site will be serviced. 5. On-Call Mowing Services The City may request on-call mowing services to address additional mowing needs throughout Stillwater on an as-needed basis. The City will coordinate on-call services with the Contractor based on availability. On-call mowing must commence within 24 hours of receiving a notice to proceed, weather permitting.

GC Bidding



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