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Published March 11, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Flint, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Buyer Name Brooke May Buyer Email bmay@geneseeschools.org Buyer Phone OWNER: Genesee School District 7347 North Genesee Road Genesee, MI 48437 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Genesee School District is seeking sealed bids for the purchase and installation of two rooftop HVAC units for the Jr/Sr High Gym. This project includes the removal of any existing equipment (if applicable), structural support modifications as needed, installation of new units, connection to existing ductwork, electrical connections, and system startup and testing. You may schedule a site visit with Jonathan Yettaw, Operations Director, prior to submitting a bid by contacting 810-591-8005 or emailing directly to jyettaw@geneseeschools.org. Each bid must be submitted in writing on the Genesee School District Bid Form. One original and two copies of the bid proposal must be submitted to the address provided below. Bids not submitted on the Bid Form, or bids not signed and/or dated will not be considered and will be determined to be a non-bid. Bids received after deadline, or bids submitted by fax or electronic mail, will not be accepted. It is the sole responsibility of each vendor to select a means of bid delivery that will ensure timely delivery to Genesee School District, prior to the deadline for receipt of bids. All bids must be completely filled-out and must be signed personally by the bidder, by a partner or by an authorized representative of the company or corporation and shall have the bidder's business address and telephone number included on the bid form. 5. A notarized copy of Public Act 232 of 2004, Familial Relationship Disclosure must accompany all bids. Bids submitted without the notarized Public Act 232 of 2004, Familial Relationship Disclosure, will be determined to be a non-bid. 6. Each bidder shall submit a bid bond in the amount of 5% of the amount of the bid. 7. Each bid shall state the complete and total delivered price to Genesee School District. Price shall include all costs and charges. Please specify the anticipated delivery date in your bid. 8. All labor, equipment and materials provided through these specifications shall be exempt from Michigan Sales and Use Tax. This request for bids does not commit the Genesee School District Board of Education to pay any costs or expenses incurred by the vendor for the preparation and submission of a bid, including any bonding requirements and/or any demonstrations that are requested related to the bid. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. The Board reserves the right to split the bid between one or more vendors if it is in the best interest of the District. Bid prices must be valid for ninety (90) days from the date of the bid March 11, 2025 at 11:00 am at the following address: 7347 N Genesee Rd, Genesee, MI 48437. It is further anticipated that a bid award will be made by the Genesee School District Board of Education, at one of the regular meetings of the Board. Following the bid award, it is anticipated that the purchase order(s) will be issued to the vendor(s) shortly thereafter. The scope of the project will include: o Removal of any existing HVAC units. o Installation of two rooftop HVAC units designed to adequately heating and/or cooling the Jr/Sr High Gym. o Option A: HVAC units that provide heating only. o Option A: HVAC units that provide heating and cooling. o All bid prices must be all-inclusive and reflect the total cost of completing the project. This includes, but is not limited to, the cost of all labor, materials, equipment, machinery (such as cranes, lifts, excavators, etc.), tools, permits, transportation, and any other resources necessary for the successful completion of the work. No additional charges will be accepted after the contract is awarded unless explicitly approved in writing by the project owner. o Any necessary structural reinforcements to support the new units. o Connection to existing ductwork and electrical systems. o Room Dimensions: Approximately 13,000 square feet o Startup, testing, and balancing of the HVAC system to ensure proper operation. o Contractor to provide all required permits and inspections. Contractors will be responsible for any and all damage due to construction. Any damage caused by the contractor must be repaired within ten (10) working days at the expense of the contractor. If damage occurs, the contractor will be liable for such damages. Contractors shall be responsible for the removal and off-site disposal of all debris, including removed HVAC units. The work area must be cleaned and cleared of all waste materials upon project completion. Timeline: o The project must be fully completed no later than June 15, 2025. However, no work shall be performed during the week of May 19, 2025 due to commencements.




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March 11, 2025

May 12, 2025


To Be Determined, Flint, MI

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Installation of Two Rooftop HVAC Units for the Jr/Sr High Gym

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