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Published February 24, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Los Angeles, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

For information regarding this Request for Proposals, please contact Dorothea Mc Farline, Procurement Manager at mcfarld@.laccd.edu. THE BOND PROGRAM In April 2001, the voters authorized the District to issue $1.245 billion of general obligation bonds under Proposition A. In May 2003, the voters authorized the District to issue approximately $980 million of general obligation bonds under Proposition AA. In November 2008, the voters authorized approximately $3.5 billion of general obligation bonds under Measure J. In November 2016, the voters authorized approximately $3.3 billion of general obligation bonds under Measure CC. In November 2022, the voters authorized approximately $5.3 billion of general obligation bonds under Measure LA. The proceeds of these bond issuances are being used for construction, repair, improvement, and upgrade of District buildings, classrooms, student housing, and other facilities as authorized by one or more of the Bond Measures (“Bond Program”). Construction is currently underway at all of the District’s nine college campuses. Planning, development, design, and construction under the Bond Program is managed by a “program manager” (“Program Manager”) retained by the District. In addition, there is a project management firm (“College Project Leadership Team” or “CPLT”) (which, notwithstanding the reference to “team,” is actually a single firm). The CPLT, in turn manages a “College Project Team” (“CPT”) at each campus which is comprised of the CPLT, its Subconsultants and other individuals or firms selected, retained and assigned by the District to the College to assist the CPLT in the performance of project or construction management services for the College under the leadership and supervision of the CPLT and under the Bond Program leadership of the Program Manager. This includes other project management professional services consultants retained by District at one or more college campuses pursuant to its Multiple Award Task Order Contracts (“MATOC”) and its Bench Task Order Contracts (“BTOC”). The staffing provided by each CPT includes a project director, several project managers, schedulers and various support staff. Information about the Bond Program, current and upcoming Campus Projects as well as links to other reports and information are included in Attachment No. 5 – “Reference Documents” attached hereto. 2.3.2 Term. The Term of the Program Management Agreement, unless earlier terminated in accordance with its terms, is for an initial term of two (2) years with potential annual renewals in the District’s sole and absolute discretion up to a total maximum term of five (5) years. Proposers should assume that the commencement date of the Term may be set by the District to start any time between the date of Award and the end of the term of the District’s current contract for Program Management Services as it may be extended by the District in its sole discretion..



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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October 9, 2025


Multiple Locations, Los Angeles, CA

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RFP - Program Management Services for Los Angeles Community College District Bond Program Propositions A and AA/Measures J, CC, and LA

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