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Published March 20, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Aurora, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Daywards Ct. Water Main Replacement The City of Aurora, IL invites you to bid on the anticipated Installation of 1180 LF of 8" DIP Water Main, 1950 LF of 1" directionally drilled copper water services, and other miscellaneous appurtenances all in accordance with the Plans and specifications. Question Deadline 03/05/2025 at 8:00 AM CT. Each Bidder shall deposit with Bid a Bid guarantee consisting of a Bid bond payable to the order of the City, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the Bid submitted, as a guaranty that in case the Bidder's Bid is accepted, the Bidder shall within ten (10) days after the date of such acceptance and notification thereof, deliver to the City a contract signed and executed by the Bidder, proper insurance certificates and a Performance and Payment Bond in one hundred percent (100%) of the contract sum furnished by a responsible bonding company acceptable to and written upon forms prepared or approved by the City as security for payment of labor and materials and for the faithful performance of the contract and compliance with the provisions of law relating to the payment of prevailing rate of wages AWARD OF BID It is the intent of the City to award a contract to the lowest responsive responsible bidder meeting specifications. The City reserves the right to determine the lowest responsive responsible bidder on the basis of an individual item, groups of items, or in any way determined to be in the best interests of the City. Award will be based on the following factors, but not limited to (where applicable): (a) adherence to all conditions and requirements of the bid specifications; (b) price; (c) qualifications of the bidder, including past performance, financial responsibility, general reputation, experience, service capabilities, and facilities; (d) delivery or completion date; (e) product appearance, workmanship, finish, taste, feel, overall quality, and results of product testing; (f) maintenance costs and warranty provisions; and (g) repurchase or residual value. However, if the Bidder modifies limits, restricts or subjects his bid proposal to conditions that would change the requirements of the bid, this would be considered a conditional or qualified Bid Proposal and will not be accepted. The City reserves the right to delete any item listed in the bid. QUESTIONS Bidders shall submit all inquiries, including requests for alternates or substitutions regarding this bid, up to, but no later than the designated date and time as specified via the City's E Procurement System, online. All answers to inquiries will be posted on the City's E Procurement System. Bidders may also click on this bid to receive an email notification when answers are posted. CANCELLATION The City reserves the right to cancel the whole or any part of the contract if the Bidder fails to perform any of the provisions in the contract or fails to make delivery within the time stated. The Bidder will not be liable to perform if situations arise by reason of strikes, acts of God or public enemy, acts of the City, fires or floods.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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Dayward Ct, Aurora, IL

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