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Published March 24, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Medford, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Disclaimer: *PLEASE NOTE: The estimated value posted to this project was created using historical data and is not an official project estimate from the owner. Due to this, it does not reflect the specific scope of this project and should not be used for estimating purposes.* a. LHS-02, Media Center Offices Fan Coil Replacement 1. Removal and replacement of existing fan coil units as indicated and scheduled within the contract documents. 2. Supply and installation of new RTU’s as indicated and scheduled within the contract documents, including ductwork and all associated systems scheduled and required. 3. Removal of existing duct and related air distribution systems and components and supply and installation of new duct distribution and air devices. 4. Connections to existing chilled water systems. 5. Equipment will be integrated into the BMS via AME’s work order contract. 6. BACnet compatible controllers to be factory mounted, integration to be performed by AME 7. Structural steel work indicated and required to accommodate the scope of the mechanical systems indicated. 8. Electrical work indicated and required to accommodate the scope of the mechanical systems indicated. 9. Alterations and restoration of exterior finishes required to accommodate the work of this contract, including limited roofing demolition and reconstruction, and painting of impacted finishes. 10. Alterations and restoration of interior finishes required to accommodate the work of this contract, including limited masonry wall and acoustical panel ceiling demolition and reconstruction, and painting of impacted finishes. b. LHS-04, ND-25 and ND-27 RTU Replacement 1. Removal and replacement of existing RTU’s as indicated and scheduled within the contract documents. 2. Supply and installation of new VRF indoor and outdoor systems, piping, enclosures and related systems as specified and scheduled. 3. Removal of existing duct and related air distribution systems and components and supply and installation of new duct distribution and air devices. 4. Equipment will be integrated into the BMS via AME’s work order contract. 5. BACnet compatible controllers to be factory mounted, integration to be performed by AME 6. Electrical work indicated and required to accommodate the scope of the mechanical systems indicated. 7. Structural steel work indicated and required to accommodate the scope of the mechanical systems indicated. 8. Alterations and restoration of exterior finishes required to accommodate the work of this contract, including limited roofing demolition and reconstruction, and painting of impacted finishes. 9. Alterations and restoration of interior finishes required to accommodate the work of this contract, including limited masonry wall and acoustical panel ceiling demolition and reconstruction, and painting of impacted finishes. Sealed bids will be received for the following contract: Overall Lump Sum Bids must be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the name of the Bidder and the Work being bid including Project No. REF21-44-8331 on the outside lower right-hand corner of the envelope. The Lenape Regional High School District Board of Education assumes no responsibility whatsoever in connectionwith any defects arising out of the issuance of the Contract Documents or the receipt or failure to receive bids, including thosewhich may arise from delay for any reason in obtaining the Contract Documents or submitting the Contract Bid Forms,including but not limited to traffic delay, messengering, mis-labeling, mis-directions from any source, mis-delivery orotherwise. When it is its best interest to do so and to the maximum extent of its discretion under applicable law, the LenapeRegional High School District Board of Education may award the Contract in whole or in part, select any combination of bidsand alternates, may waive informalities, and may reject any or all bids




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235 Hartford Rd, Medford, NJ

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Lenape High School RTU & Fan Coil Replacement

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