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Published March 3, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in New York, New York. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

FDNY has determined that is not advantageous to the City to award this contract on the basis of competitive sealed bidding. Because of the critical nature of the services involved, FDNY needs to select the Contractor taking into consideration factors in addition to price such as specific details of how services will be delivered, and the experience and qualifications of the bidder. The contract will be solicited as a Best Value request for proposal and the contract award will be made to the responsible proposer whose proposal represents the best value to the City by optimizing quality, cost and efficiency and therefore is determined to be the most advantageous to the City, taking into consideration, in addition to the price, such other factors or criteria that are set forth in the RFP, including the quantitative preference to be provided to proposals submitted by vendors that are M/WBEs or State-certified M/WBEs. The work being sought through this Best Value Request for Proposal (RFP) is part of the original scope of work in the current Negotiated Acquisition Extension agreement between PURVIS and the FDNY. This best value RFP will provide the FDNY with additional funding for five (5) additional years of services where the award will be made to the bidder whose bid represents the best value to the City. The FDNY Communications Systems provides comprehensive mission-critical communications services in support of Department first responders. The operations of these systems are central to the FDNY's ability to respond to emergencies. Operating on a twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week basis, the services required herein shall ensure continuous FDNY Communications Systems functionality to include the deployment of all systems upgrades and enhancements. The Fire Department's goals and objectives for this solicitation are to obtain the services of a highly qualified Contractor to provide Contractor services for Preventive Maintenance, Repair and On Call System Integration for the FDNY Communications Systems ("FDNY Communications Systems" or "Communications Systems") as noted herein. The services required shall include Preventative Maintenance, Repair and On Call System Integration for the following individual FDNY communications systems in totality delineated as the FDNY Communication Systems and FDNY Legacy Communication Systems. _ Emergency Reporting System (ERS) and Electro-Mechanical Alarm Display System (EMADS) _ Voice Alarm System (VA) _ Teleprinter Stations (ATS) _ FireCAD PCs and associated Peripherals _ EMSCAD PCs and associated peripherals _ Status Entry Panel (SEP) _ Silent Hawk _ Related FDNY Communications, Operations, and IT Systems _ Fireground Accountability Program _ Electronic Fireground Accountability System (FGAP) _ Electronic Fireground Accountability System (EFAS) _ Radio Application /Application Spare Mask Application _ Evidence Tracking System Application _ Dashboard Application _ Electronic Bureau of Fire ride list (EBF-4) _ Handie Talkie and Spare Mask Application _ Status Recording Subsystem (SRS).

GC Bidding

Fire / Police


Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, New York, NY

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