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Published February 28, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Albany, New York. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The New York State Office of General Services Design & Construction Group (OGS D&C) intends to contract with up to two (2) firms to provide Fire Protection Engineering Services. Firms must possess a strong mechanical, electrical, and plumbing background as assigned tasks will primarily be in this area of expertise, with an occasional requirement of structural/civil/site engineering and architecture. The services rendered shall be provided under the direct supervision of a licensed fire protection engineer. A fire protection engineer is an individual who is a registered professional engineer (P.E.), who has received an accredited degree in fire protection engineering, and who has passed the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) fire protection engineering examination. The majority of the projects will involve the rehabilitation of existing facilities and may include fire alarm, sprinkler, suppression, smoke control, and mass notification systems. MBE Goal: 15% WBE Goal: 15% SDVOB Goal: 6% Approximate Value: $3,000,000.00 (each) Firms are expected to provide high-quality fire protection engineering services for a variety of buildings and facilities for various State agencies including, but not limited to, the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, Office of Mental Health, Office of General Services, Department of Military and Naval Affairs, and others. Assignments may include, but not limited to, the following: Replacement of existing fire protection systems, including, but not limited to, fire alarms, fire sprinklers, fire suppression, smoke control, and mass notification systems. Renovations and rehabilitation of existing structures and facilities. Compliance with the latest building codes and regulatory requirements, including review of work done by others for compliance with applicable codes. Application of energy efficient, resilient, and sustainable design in compliance with the initiatives and requirements laid out in New York State Governor's Executive Order 22, the Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act (CLCPA), and the NYS Buy Clean Concrete Guidelines. Application may also require usage of NY Stretch Energy Code, Geothermal Networking, Electrification of All Building Systems, Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, and PV Panel Systems. A minor requirement of structural engineering, civil/site engineering, architecture, and commissioning services. Projects that require expedited design schedules and services including emergency projects that require immediate attention or attention within 24 hours. The firm will be required to be available to provide on-site inspection, consultation, design services, and coordination with OGS and facility staff. Firms must provide an emergency contact person responsible for emergencies. Project types (JOCS, M, and Q) intended to be expedited for quick response contracting to address priority and urgent needs with expectations for project completion in as short as four (4) weeks' time. Reference the OGS Design Procedures Manual for additional information. Hazardous material investigation and design services for the remediation/removal of such materials as part of the work of this contract. Possible construction management and/or construction inspection services as advisor to the owner. Possible services to identify design-based funding opportunities and provide technical documentation needed for applications to those funding opportunities. Services can be provided by the proposed design team including sub-consultants.




Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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March 26, 2026


Multiple Locations, Albany, NY

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