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Published March 12, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Pittsburgh, Office of Management and Budget, on behalf of the Department of Public Works (DPW), is soliciting proposals from experienced firms for limited pre-construction and construction services related to the construction of a new Public Safety station. Background Fire Station 20/Medic 12 shall consist of new Passive House construction of a one-story fire and medic station at 1233 Mifflin Road in Pittsburgh's Lincoln Place neighborhood. The project is planned at approximately 20,000 GSF of building construction, on an undermined site approximating 3 acres. DPW hired Ae7 Pittsburgh LLC, in partnership with Manns Woodward Studios, Inc., as the Architect of Record. Fire Station 20/Medic 12 has completed Construction Documents and has been submitted to the Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections (PLI) as of July 2024. It is the intent of DPW to engage a construction manager to review drawings, offer comments, work with DPW and the City's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) through the bid process, act as the City's representative for construction management and construction inspection, and engage and supervise special inspections through a third party. The Station is to be Passive House construction to meet Net Zero Ready code as outlined in the Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances 915.08. - Sustainable Development for City-Owned Facilities. The proposed project is intended to promote and extend the Public Safety Department's capability to provide fire protection and emergency medical services into the foreseeable future. As an essential facility, the station will be constructed according to all applicable building codes and satisfy the numerous health, safety, and wellness standards specific to modernized fire and emergency medical service. If additional hard copies are requested, the proposal should be bound or contained in a loose leaf binder. Document pages shall be 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches in size or folded to such a size. Use section dividers, tabbed in accordance with this Section as specified below. All proposals will need to be provided electronically so the following format will apply for the electronic submittal. Late proposals will not be accepted or considered. Respondents should allow enough time to register company on the City's e-Procurement Portal, search the solicitation they wish to respond to and complete the submission process online before the deadline. The City of Pittsburgh shall not be responsible for proposals delivered to a person or location other than that specified herein. All submittals, whether selected or rejected, shall become the property of the City of Pittsburgh and will not be returned. All costs associated with proposal preparation shall be borne by the applicant. Confidentiality, NDA Requirements: Construction or renovation of any Public Safety building is confidential as related to the structure, envelope, and interior layout. Plans are not attached to this Solicitation. Interested consultants must first complete the attached Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) form and send to joshua.lamonde@pittsburghpa.gov. All submitted responses shall follow the formatting below, and all proposals will need to be provided electronically through the City's e-Procurement Portal. Each numbered section is to be uploaded as a separate file. If hard copies of submissions are required, each numbered section shall be a removable tab. Document pages shall be 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches in size or folded to such a size. The City of Pittsburgh is committed to the ideal of providing all citizens an equal opportunity to participate in City and its Authoritiescontracting opportunities. It is therefore the City's goal to encourage increased participation of women and minority groups in all City contracts. The City requires that all respondents demonstrate good faith efforts to obtain the participation of Minority-Owned Business Enterprises (MBE's) and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (WBE's) in work to be performed under City contracts. The levels of MBE and WBE participation will be monitored by the City of Pittsburghs Equal Opportunity Review Commission (EORC). In order to ensure that there are opportunities for historically disadvantaged minority groups and women to participate on Covered Contracts, and consistent with the City's current equal employment opportunity practice and goals, the EORC will review contracts to include an evaluation of a developer/contractors employment of minority groups and women, encourage goals of eighteen (18) percent and seven (7) percent respectively. It is also the City's goal to encourage participation by veteran-owned and LGBTQIA+ small businesses in all contracts. The City of Pittsburgh shall have an annual goal of not less than five (5) percent participation by veteran-owned small businesses and not less than three (3) percent participation by LGBTQIA+ businesses in all contracts. The participation goal shall apply to the overall dollar amount expended with respect to the contracts. The City requires that all respondents demonstrate good faith efforts to obtain the participation of veteran-owned small business in work to be performed under City contracts. The levels of participation will be monitored by the City of Pittsburgh's EORC. Question Submission Deadline: March 17, 2025, 5:00 pm Proposal Review and Supplier Scoring:March 2025 Contract Award: March 2025 The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Fire / Police

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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September 24, 2025


1233 Mifflin Rd, Pittsburgh, PA

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RFP - Construction Management and Special Inspections for New Public Safety Station Fire 20/Medic 12

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