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Published February 28, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a transportation facility in Knoxville, Tennessee. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

The acquisition strategy for the procurement has not been determined at this time; however, either an unrestricted competition or a set-aside will be chosen depending on the responses to this Sources Sought Notice. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is issuing a Request for Information (RFI) to repair the HVAC system at TYS Air Traffic Control Tower in Knoxville, TN. Please see attached documents for detailed instructions. The FAA is searching for complex mechanical contractors focusing on HVAC system rebuilds and refurbishments with a history of working in tight clearance environments at operational, mission critical facilities. The FAA wants to emphasize this requirement is unusual as there is extremely limited space to work. A high level of expertise will be required to fulfill this requirement. If a request for proposal is released, a site visit will be strongly encouraged, as it would be the only way to fully understand the scope of the project and limit risk to the contractor and the federal government. Please do not provide a generic company capabilities statement, be specific on your capabilities regarding complex mechanical HVAC projects. Also, include a list of personnel and their level of expertise, accreditations or licenses and number of years in industry. We would also request a list with detailed breakdowns of performance history with complex mechanical HVAC projects, specifically detailing system rebuilds over system replacements. If a request for proposals is released, the basis for award will likely be trade-off/best value utilizing past performance and technical capabilities as primary evaluation factors. Project magnitude is expected to be between $150k-$250k. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS OR OFFERS. A SIR/Request for Proposal may be made under a separate announcement in the future. The FAA is not seeking or accepting unsolicited proposals. The FAA will not pay for any information received or costs incurred in preparing vendor responses to this market survey. Therefore, any cost associated with a market survey submission is solely at the interested vendor's expense. The purpose of this RFI is to solicit statements of interest and capabilities from large businesses, small businesses, service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses and 8(a) certified firms, capable of providing the service outlined in this document, in the timeframe stated in this document. The responses to this RFI will help determine the acquisition strategy and whether adequate competition exists to set-aside the competition among small businesses, service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses or Socially & Economically Disadvantage Business (SEDB/8(a)) certified firms. Below is a list of required items to be submitted to the Contracting Officer at Tony.W.Bryant@faa.gov: Capabilities Statement (Non-generic) List of previous complex mechanical HVAC projects over $150k in extremely restrictive environments, with a detailed breakdown of the project. Primary Personnel and qualifications Business size under NAICS 238220 Note: The FAR references cited in SAM.gov are not applicable to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as the FAA has its own policies and guidance referenced in the Acquisition Management System (AMS). Please contact the P.O.C., Tony Bryant Contracting Officer, Tony.W.Bryant@faa.gov, for any questions related to this RFI. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


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To Be Determined, Knoxville, TN

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RFQ Contractor - Sources Sought/RFI Industry Capabilities for Complex Mechanical - HVAC Repairs at TYS ATCT in Knoxville, TN

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