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Published March 2, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Sayreville, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF WORK - The Sayreville Housing for Seniors Corporation (SHSC) is accepting proposals for standpipe and fire sprinkler systems annual inspection and repair services at Gillette Manor, a six floor, 100-unit apartment complex located at 650 Washington Road, Sayreville, NJ 08872. Inspections shall be performed annually for a period of two (2) years. The contractor shall provide all labor, materials and equipment as necessary to perform the annual tests and inspections for three (3) standpipes (one in each stairwell) and the sprinkler system throughout the building (in common areas and in each apartment) as follows: a. Annual Inspection and Testing: The Contractor shall perform an annual sprinkler system and standpipe system inspection and test as required by the Uniform Construction Code of the State of N.J and NFPA-25. The testing shall be coordinated with the Borough of Sayreville Office of Code Enforcement for compliance and observation by the Construction Official. The Contractor shall provide the manpower, tools hoses, gauges and other equipment required to measure flow water at the highest point of the standpipes. The inspection and testing shall include the following: 1. Churn and full flow test, and check pump operation, motor operation, controller operation. Test timing and events of controller units. 2. Inspect all control valves, hose connections, valves and fittings. 3. Record static pressure, RPM and water volume when testing. 4. Water flow shall be measured at the highest outlet of the standpipe system. b. Repairs: The Contractor shall provide repair services for the all systems as needed during the term of the contract. For the purpose of establishing a two-year service contract with a qualified New Jersey Fire Protection Equipment Contractor to perform standpipe and fire sprinkler systems inspection and repair services at Gillette Manor, a six story, 100-unit apartment complex located at 650 Washington Road, Sayreville, NJ 08872. This solicitation is for a two-year service contract, renewable for two additional one-year periods providing all rates and terms remain the same and both parties are in agreement. The SHSC reserves the right to waive any informalities in proposals and to reject any and all proposals if it is in the best interest of the SHSC to do so. Proposers must be authorized to do business in New Jersey. Any proposer which is a corporation not chartered under the laws of the State of New Jersey must submit an affidavit certifying that said corporation is authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey. Proposers are also required to comply with the requirements of Public Law 1975, c.127 which pertains to "Non-Discrimination" and "Affirmative Actions", and Public Law 1977, c.33, which requires a Statement of Corporate Ownership.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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650 Washington Rd, Sayreville, NJ

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RFP - Standpipe and Fire Sprinkler System Annual Inspection and Repair Services

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