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Published March 25, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Norwich, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The project site is currently (2) lots, with addresses 333-341 Main Street and 351-353 Main Street in Norwich, CT. As part of this project both lots will be combined into a single lot. The site was previously occupied by a YMCA and included several different buildings. As part of the initial abatement/demolition phase of this project, portions of most buildings (interior and exterior) have been removed. (4) buildings currently remain, know as Buildings A, B, C and D. The current project is a core & shell project prepping for future tenants. Buildings A, & B, are being brought to roughly a "warm blank box" ready for tenant fit outs in the future. Building C will be built out completely with a total of (8) residential units on Levels 2 & 3 (4 each level), with parking below on the lowest level. Building D is to have minimal scope to provide a dry shell with ventilation. Scope includes a new roof, patching of walls/roofs, etc... as required and new exterior paint. Roofing Scope: The roofing scope includes material and installation of all roofing and roofing-related accessories located above metal deck or plywood sheathing, including but not limited to glass mat sheathing, vapor barrier, rigid insulation, and EPDM membrane where applicable. Roofing accessories including but not limited to: tapered insulation, mechanical equipment curbs, mechanical ductwork penetration flashing, vent and piping penetration flashing, walkway pads. Roofing contractor to provide an allowance for (30) vent pipe penetrations, refer to mechanical plans for quantities of RTU curbs & penetrations. EPDM membrane to run up inside face of parapet wall and on top of parapet wall. Refer to attached drawings for roofing specifications and details. Please note: the selected roofing contractor will need to complete the parapet work after the building cladding is completed. This may require a second mobilization. Coordination with the CM will be required. Bid Notes: Subcontractor to provide product data and shop drawings for review and approval by General Contractor and Architect. Any substitutions must be accompanied with a full comparison of the specified product and proposed alternate, showing product as equal and highlighting any differences for review by the Architect and Owner. Subcontractor to coordinate with GC for delivery Addenda, if any, will be posted on the website listed above. All bidders, prior to submitting their bids, should check the websites to ensure they have received all issued addenda. The City of Norwich reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole or in part, to waive minor irregularities in the bidding and to award the bid to other than the low bidder if deemed in the best interest of the City. No Bidder may withdraw its bid within sixty (60) days of the bid opening date. Should there be reason why the contract cannot be awarded within the specified time, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the City and the lowest responsible and qualified bidder. All final awards of the bid shall be in compliance with the City of Norwich Code of Ordinances 7-46 - Delinquent Tax Setoff Against Money Due Bidder or Contractor. All bidders must submit bids/proposals through the City Procurement Portal. Responding bidders must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religious creed, age, marital status, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity or expression, intellectual disability, mental disability or physical disability, including, but not limited to blindness, unless it is shown by such bidder that such disability prevents performance of the work involved.




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