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Published March 12, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a transportation facility in Panama City, Florida. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

Provide and Install Waste Incinerator at Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport Deadline to submit Questions to Procurement Manager March 10, 2025 5:00 PM Specifications The District is seeking an incinerator functionally equivalent to the Mediburn30 Medical Waste Incinerator for the disposal of international flight waste. Unless otherwise specified, manufacturer name, trade names, brand names, information and/or catalog/item numbers that are listed herein are intended only to identify the quality level desired for the incinerator equipment and are not intended to limit competition. Bidders may offer a product that is equivalent or exceeds the specifications listed below. If a bid is being submitted for an equivalent product, the Bidder shall indicate on Attachment B, Price Sheet, the alternate manufacturer's name, catalog/item number, and must include descriptive literature and/or specifications along with proof that the proposed equivalent either meets or exceeds the specifications. The District reserves the right to be the sole judge of the equivalent and what is determined to be acceptable. If the Bidder fails to name a substitute, the District shall make the assumption that the incinerator is identical to the specifications listed herein. Project Requirements: o Supply one (1) incinerator capable of reducing waste to ash. o ncluding installation and training on the operation of the incinerator upon project completion. o All parts, materials, and fixtures are to be high-use, commercial-grade, designed and manufactured to meet or exceed this ITB's intended performance requirement. o The District will provide the concrete slab and wire and pipe the area for the installation of the incinerator. o Bidder/Contractor to verify the project site is prepped for installation. o Bidder to supply technical and performance documentation for equipment being proposed in the bid response. o Contractor will provide all labor, supervision, materials, tools, safety equipment and oversight needed to complete the turnkey installation of the incinerator. o Contractor will comply with all safety and working permit instructions from the District. o Contractor will clean and remove all job-related debris from the installation site upon completion of the project. o Training shall be provided on the operation of the incinerator, and the training material will be sent to the library for future training. o Bidder shall provide a datasheet for the operating software, and upon installation, ensure the latest version is in operation. o Bidder shall provide the approximate lead time of project completion.


Transportation Terminals


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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6300 W Bay Pkwy, Panama City, FL

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Waaste Incinerator For Panama City - Bay County Airport and Industrial District

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