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Published March 11, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Kent, Ohio. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Most of the university's buildings were constructed prior to the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act and therefore, require modifications to address the requirements associated with this program. Many of the Kent campus academic buildings built in the 1960's and 70's do not have fully compliant elevators, stairs, ramps, toilet facilities and lecture halls. Modifications are required to elevators to comply with code, life safety and local fire jurisdictions. A comprehensive Kent Campus Elevator Modernization Study was conducted by Lerch Bates in 2022 prioritizing and assessing existing equipment conditions. The Office of the University Architect along with University Facilities Management and Student Accessibility Services will work with the AE team to determine the priority locations across campus. In addition to the existing elevators listed in the Lerch Bates report, a new elevator location will be considered for Bowman that connects all floor levels. Many campus buildings still have elevators original to their construction that are beyond the useful service life creating service failures that impact numerous students, faculty, and staff, many of which may have disabilities or mobility needs. Further, building code, life safety compliance considerations, and local jurisdiction requirements are not met in several instances as well as difficulty in obtaining parts for antiquated systems. As critical needs emerge, projects will address replacement of elevators with energy efficient systems to prolong life cycles and reduce costs of operation. This project is part of a multiple phase project Submit all questions regarding this RFQ to Michael Wasowsk at email, with the project number included in the subject line (no phone calls please). Total Project Cost: $4 million

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Public - State/Provincial


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