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Published March 13, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Sacramento, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Questions regarding this IFB must be submitted by March 12, 2025. Bidders must submit their questions via e-mail to jennifer.ramos@dot.ca.gov. Written questions must include: the individual's name, firm name, e-mail address and must reference IFB No. 59A1326. Contractor agrees to provide to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) all labor, tools, equipment, and incidentals needed for the on-call/as-needed maintenance, service, calibration, and repair of survey instruments, as described herein. 2. Subcontracting is not permitted under this Agreement. All references to subcontracting or subcontractors as found herein are not applicable. Description of Work A. Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, equipment, and incidentals needed for the on-call/as needed maintenance, service, calibration, and repair of approximately 300 survey instruments and their respective carrying cases. B. Makes and Models of the survey instruments and carrying cases to be maintained, serviced, calibrated, and repaired by Contractor are listed in this Exhibit A, Item 7(D), below. All instruments and carrying cases shall be maintained, serviced, calibrated, and repaired in accordance with the specifications set forth in Exhibit A, Item 10. C. All maintenance, service, calibration, and repair work performed by Contractor must be performed in a manner which ensures all manufacturer standards are maintained for all items. D. Make and Models of survey instruments and carrying cases are listed below in accordance with the specifications set forth in Exhibit A, Item 10. 1) Auto Levels: Geotech AL-21, Nikon AS-2, Pentax AL-M2, Leitz/Sokkia B-1, Zeiss Ni-2, Wild NA2, David White 2) Dumpy Levels: David White, Leitz, Sokkia, Berger, Hilgar-Watts, Wild N01, Path 3) Laser Levels: Spectra L500C, 500LL and EL1; David White AEL 300; Laser Alignment LB-1 and LB-2. 4) Theodolites: Nikon NE-20S, Wild T-2 and T-2E, Path TH21, K&E, Zeiss 43. 5) Transits: Leitz/Sokkia 116, Wild T16, Schneider, White TR 300, Sokkia KT5. 6) Total Stations: Nikon 500 Series, Nikon NPL 820. 7) Tripods 8) Carrying Cases 8. Survey Instruments Process: A. Initiating Services: 1) Caltrans Contractor Manager will coordinate with Contractor to identify the appropriate service location based upon survey instruments and the region where they are primarily used. 2) Caltrans Contract Manager will contact the Contractor and confirm the correct shipping and/or delivery address for requested service. 3) Caltrans will take care of shipping the survey instruments and carrying cases to the Contractor's facility, covering the shipment costs as outlined below under Exhibit A, Item 9 Shipping. B. Performing Services: 1) Pre-Service Assessment: Prior to developing estimate for labor, parts, and incidentals required to perform requested service, Contractor shall verify that no existing Manufacturer or Service Warranty is applicable to the survey instruments. 2) Cost Estimate Process a) Contractor shall provide a cost estimate via email to Caltrans Contract Manager within 48 hours of receiving the survey instruments and/or carrying cases for repair and obtain written approval prior to performing any work. The cost estimate shall be in accordance with the rates specified in Bid Proposal, Attachment 1. b) A working day is defined as any day except Saturday, Sunday, and State observed holidays, in accordance with Exhibit A, Item 5. c) Contractor shall include an itemized estimate detailing all necessary parts, materials, and incidentals required for service, along with the required labor hours and their associated costs, in accordance with Bid Proposal, Attachment 1. d) The estimate shall also include return shipping costs, including all necessary packaging materials, unless otherwise directed by Caltrans Contract Manage. e) The estimate shall itemize the expected timelines for the procurement of required materials, the performance of services, and preparation for return shipping.



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Multiple Locations, Sacramento, CA

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