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Published March 24, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lebanon, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Lebanon, New Hampshire (hereafter referred to as the CITY) is seeking the services of a Street Sweeping Company (hereafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR) lawfully engaged in the practice of these services in New Hampshire for sweeping streets. The intent of the Contract is to provide a self-propelled, mechanical street sweeper with operator to sweep and pick up debris in the downtown, curbed sub-divisions, and other designated roadways within the City. The intent is to provide a clean roadway surface, curb-to-curb, or edge of pavement-to-edge of pavement. Substantial completion on or before June 1st of each year, or as otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. Work will be performed as needed. all night hours will be scheduled and approved in advance through the Department of Public Works. The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate street sweeping activities during hours that avoid conflicts with on-street parking and rush hour traffic. The City will provide dumping locations for removal by the City at a later date. Payment for (Item 1) street sweeping shall be at a bid price of curb mile times the total curb miles swept. Street sweepers shall be provided with functional water systems, which the contractor shall utilize in order to minimize dust and air pollution issues. City water is available at locations specified by the City at no extra cost to the contractor. City water, when used, will only be provided with and by City personnel with the appropriate metering and backflow protection. The City of Lebanon reserves the right to reject any and all Bids and to waive any irregularity in Bidding. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish the necessary Bonds and Insurance Certificates. The City will award this project based on the City's discretion and may or may not include any or all bid alternatives. All work included in this bid is dependent upon the bid amounts and available funding. Actual quantities are subject to change and will be based upon actual field measurements taken during construction. Following the receipt of the proposals, City staff shall evaluate the proposals and review for selection. Emphasis in selecting a CONTRACTOR shall be placed on the CONTRACTOR's experience in projects similar to those which the City anticipates doing. Contact Information Project Contact: Jay Cairelli Acting Director of Public Works 193 Dartmouth College Highway Lebanon, NH 03766 Email: jay.cairelli@lebanonnh.gov Phone: (603) 448-3112 Ext: 6152 Procurement Contact: Kelly Crate Administrative Services Manager 193 Dartmouth College Hwy Lebanon, NH 03766 Email: kelly.crate@lebanonnh.gov Phone: (603) 442-6225 Question Submission Deadline: March 17, 2025, 2:00pm. Omissions, discrepancies, and questions must be submitted via electronically. In general, no answer will be given to the prospective Bidders in reply to an oral question if the question involves the equality or use of products or methods other than those specifically designated or described on the Drawings or in the Specifications Question Response Deadline: March 19, 2025, 2:00pm Contractor Selection Date: On or about 3/31/2025 Substantial Completion: June 1, 2025 Final Completion and Acceptance: June 7, 2025 The successful Bidder shall execute a Performance Bond in the amount of 100 percent of the Bid Price within 5 business days of the NOTICE of AWARD. Performance Bond shall be executed by the Bidder, Owner, and a Surety Company. The CITY reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids received as a result of this request, or to cancel in part or in its entirety this Request for Bids, if in the best interest of the CITY to do so. The quantities that will be awarded would depend on final bid pricing and budget limitations.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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