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Published March 27, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a municipal facility in Johnston, Rhode Island. Completed plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

Reference Number 0000379514 The Town of Johnston is requesting bids for the above listed item. The Town of Johnston reserves the right to reject any or all responses or parts thereof, to waive any informality in them, or accept any bid deemed in the best interest of the Town . The Town of Johnston will offer interpreters for the hearing impaired provided the request is at least three (3) days prior to scheduled bid opening by calling (401) 553-8830. Scope of Work The selected team will provide the overall administration and management of all aspects of the design and construction of the project. The services to be provided will have as their objective the successful completion of the project on schedule, at or less than budgeted cost. The general scope of work shall include, but not be limited to, the following tasks: A. Pre-Design - Space Analysis Task #1: Space Needs Assessment/Program Development. The selected team will meet with all departments to review present space allocation and projected growth rates. Based on this consultation, the team will develop conceptual plans to meet space needs for each department. These plans will be reviewed by the mayor and others as needed to confirm understanding, to identify opportunities to share spaces and otherwise minimize the space needed, and to offer suggestions towards preparing a comprehensive building program that meetsthe identified service needswhile minimizing the space needed and ongoing operating expenses. Deliverables: Prepare a comprehensive and complete building program (services and space needed to provide the services) to meet the identified service needs. Prepare preliminary floor layout(s) that contain the program.Task #2 Site Evaluation. Using the site data provided by the Town (survey, wetlands flagging, environmental constrains) provide a preliminary assessment and evaluation of the proposed site to determine what can likely fit on the site. Develop a schematic site plan locating buildings, open spaces, parking, walking trails and other site amenities that work around the identified site constraints. Deliverables: Schematic site layout. Task #3 Facilitate Public Input. Assist the Town in presenting preliminary design options to Town Boards and Committees and facilitate a public hearing to solicit input from the general public. Deliverables: Attend meetings of the Town Council and respond to questions about the preliminary designs

GC Bidding



Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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George Waterman Rd, Johnston, RI

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