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Published March 14, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in San Francisco, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 160,540-square-foot laboratory facility; and medical facility.

5th floor: Reprogram fire alarm sequences. Modify 5th floor cage wash system emergency shutdown wiring and re- program fire alarm sequences to reduce cage wash room exhaust during fire alarm. Reduce airflow at BSL-2 suite during exhaust fans during 5th floor fire alarm. Replace constant volume Phoenix air valve controllers with new two-position air valve controllers that can be remotely monitored and reset at biosafety cabinets and other non- tracking general exhaust valves. 4th Floor: Reprogram supply and exhaust terminal units so that exhaust air tracks supply air in each of the 14 zones. Replace constant volume Phoenix air valve controllers with new two-position air valve controllers that can be remotely monitored and reset at fume hoods and other non-tracking general exhaust valves. 2 nd and 3rd Floors: Replace constant volume Phoenix air valve controllers with new two-position air valve controllers that can be remotely monitored and reset at exhaust valves. Reprogram main laboratory air handling units so that during a fire alarm on the 2 nd floor, main supply fans go to a pre-programmed speed. 1st floor re- program main laboratory air handling unit to go to a pre-programmed fan speed during a fire alarm on the 1st floor. Atrium Fire Alarm: Replace atrium outside air dampers and actuators. Remove existing actuators, lock existing outside air dampers wide open, abandon in place. Provide new outside air dampers and actuators, with integral end switches. Remove existing filter banks at outside air intake louvers, do not replace. New outside air dampers shall be directly controlled and monitored by the fire alarm system. Provide monitoring at existing fire fighter's control panel and BAS. Wire new end switches so that status of each switch can be monitored. New end switches shall be monitored by fire alarm system and BAS. The University has determined that bidders who submit bids on this project must be prequalified. Prequalified bidders will be required to have the following California Contractor's License Classification(s) that must be current, valid and in good standing with the California Contractor's State License Board: B- General Contractor Project Size: 160,540 SF Estimated Construction Cost: $1,070,000. Estimated Construction Start: 7/2025. Projects completed in the past 5 years Date Questions about this Prequalification Due: 3/20/2025, 2:00 PM. The University reserves the right to reject any or all responses to Prequalification Questionnaires and to waive non-material irregularities in any response received.

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March 27, 2025

July 1, 2025


1450 3rd St, San Francisco, CA

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