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Published March 27, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Lynwood, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and library.

Provide all Labor, materials, and equipment as required to replace roofing to the existing buildings and adjacent covered walkways identified in the technical specifications. The contract time is anticipated to be Thirty (30) consecutive calendar days. As a condition of bidding for this Project, and in accordance with California Public Contract Code section 20111.5, prospective bidders are required to submit online prequalification documents by registering with Quality Bidders. These documents will be the basis for determining which bidders are qualified to bid on this Project. Bids will not be accepted if a Contractor has not been prequalified. Prequalification are done online at online. As part of the bidding process, the Work is subject to the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) between the District and the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Trades Council. All Bidders must submit a completed and signed CWA Letter of Assent with their Bid Proposal. Subcontractors must also submit the CWA Letter of Assent to perform any Work on this project. Each bidder shall be a licensed contractor pursuant to the California Business and Professions Code, and be licensed to perform the work called for in the Contract Documents. The successful bidder must possess a valid and active C-39 Contractor's License at the time of bid and throughout the duration of this Contract. An abatement subcontractor (C-21 and C-22) is required for working around hazardous materials. The Contractor's California State License number shall be clearly stated on the bidder's proposal. Subcontractors shall be licensed pursuant to California law for the trades necessary to perform the Work called for in the Contract Documents. Respondents who assisted in the preparation of getting materials or the Scope of Work for solicitation documents of this BID will NOT be eligible to compete for the award work because they will have an undue advantage to all others. In accordance with California Public Contract Code section 22300, the District will permit the substitution of securities for any moneys withheld by the District to ensure performance under the Contract. Each bidder's bid must be accompanied by one of the following forms of bidder's security: (1) cash; (2) a cashier's check made payable to the District; (3) a certified check made payable to the District; or (4) a bidder's bond executed by a California admitted surety as defined in Code of Civil Procedure section 995.120, made payable to the District in the form set forth in the Contract Documents. Such bidder's security must be in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the maximum amount of bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed Contract, if the same is awarded to such bidder, and will provide the required Performance and Payment Bonds, insurance certificates and any other required documents. In the event of failure to enter into said Contract or provide the necessary documents, said security will be forfeited. No bidder may withdraw any bid for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after the date set for the opening of bids. Separate payment and performance bonds, each in an amount equal to 100% of the total Contract amount, are required, and shall be provided to the District prior to execution of the Contract and shall be in the form set forth in the Contract Documents. Question Deadline 03/20/2025 at 4:00 PM PT Any request for substitutions pursuant to Public Contract Code section 3400 must be made at the time of Bid on the Substitution Request Form set forth in the Contract Documents and included with the bid. Inquiries shall be sent in writing by email to: Porfiria Mora, Buyer, at pmora@mylusd.org and CC; at purchasingfinal@mylusd.org. It is each bidder's sole responsibility to ensure its bid is timely delivered and received at the location designated as specified above. Any bid received at the designated location after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids shall be returned to the bidder unopened. Where applicable, bidders must meet the requirements set forth in Public Contract Code section 10115 et seq., Military and Veterans Code section 999 et seq. and California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Section 1896.60 et seq. regarding Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise ("DVBE") Programs.




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5260 Clark St, Lynwood, CA

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