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Published March 21, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fitness / recreation center in Fort Benning, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fitness / recreation center.

Scope of Work The objective of this mechanical scope is to add fans and exhaust to promote better air movement throughout the building. The building(s) will be occupied/unoccupied. These buildings will have restricted access and coordination with user(s)(MWR and 194th) will be necessary throughout the project. These buildings possibly contain hazardous materials. Asbestos has been found in the windows area. The following scope states the key objectives that must be met. Ensure field changes meet all the necessary codes/standards. Scope of Work for Demo in B4303 (Both MWR Gym and 194th APFT sides) 1. Mechanical Demolition a. Remove existing High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) fans. These will be turned over to our base maintenance contractor for use elsewhere. The POC that will coordinate their pickup is Mr. Norm Honea, 706-366-3059. 2. Electrical Demolition a. Remove existing residential type ceiling fans, their controllers, boxes, conduit, etc. 3. Architectural Demolition- all 194th APFT side a. Remove exterior steel hollow metal single doors. b. Abatement of existing lead based paint on interior metal wall panels. c. Verify conditions that asbestos is only located in window caulk sealant by performing asbestos testing on all windows. d. Abate asbestos in window caulk sealant in all windows. Remove all existing paint, possibly lead based, from windows. e. Remove existing overhang metal doors and frames. f. Remove existing interior metal window grates and store for later refinishing and reinstallation. g. Remove existing interior water fountains. Scope of Work for New Work in B4303 (MWR Gym Side) 1. Mechanical New Work a. Size, provide, and install 4 new Powerfoil X4, 20' Big Ass Fans in each half of B4303 i. UFC 3-600-01, 7-6 HIGH VOLUME LOW SPEED (HVLS) FANS. "Comply with NFPA 13, except all HVLS fans must be interlocked to shut down immediately upon any fire alarm activation." ii. Ceiling placement and performance shall be verified using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. At a minimum, the input data for the CFD analysis shall include the ceiling fan(s), significant obstructions to airflow at the floor level, and the actual space dimensions. As verification of performance, the submittal shall include results of the CFD analysis including, at a minimum, the following performance metrics determined in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55- 2017: average air speed, minimum, maximum and average cooling effect from elevated air speed, Predicted Mean Vote, and Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied for seated and standing occupants in each occupied zone. iii. Fans shall be equipped with an airfoil restraint system to provide redundant safety between the ends of the airfoils and the fan hub. b. All electrical conduits shall be installed in a workmanlike manner at typical angles of 45 and 90. 2. Electrical New Work a. Provide power for 2 additional fans. b. Contractor may re-use existing conduit where possible. Please account for the additional 2 fan's location and the changing of position for the existing locations. c. All wiring, to include low voltage and control, shall be sealed in conduit. d. All electrical conduits shall be installed in a workmanlike manner at typical angles of 45 and 90. 3. Architectural New Work a. Install new interior storefront doors in existing wall openings on right side of gym. Scope of Work for New Work in B4303 (194th APFT Side) 1. Mechanical New Work a. Size, provide, and install 4 new Powerfoil X4, 20' Big Ass Fans in each half of B4303 i. UFC 3-600-01, 7-6 HIGH VOLUME LOW SPEED (HVLS) FANS. "Comply with NFPA 13, except all HVLS fans must be interlocked to shut down immediately upon any fire alarm activation." ii. Ceiling placement and performance shall be verified using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. At a minimum, the input data for the CFD analysis shall include the ceiling fan(s), significant obstructions to airflow at the floor level, and the actual space dimensions. As verification of performance, the submittal shall include results of the CFD analysis including, at a minimum, the following performance metrics determined in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55- 2017: average air speed, minimum, maximum and average cooling effect from elevated air speed, Predicted Mean Vote, and Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied for seated and standing occupants in each occupied zone. iii. Fans shall be equipped with an airfoil restraint system to provide redundant safety between the ends of the airfoils and the fan hub. b. Size, provide and install a system to provide cross ventilation in-kind to that which is seen in the MWR side of the building (4 large, actuated louvers interlocked with 2 large wall propeller exhaust fans on the other end of the building. 2. Electrical New Work a. Provide power for 1 additional fan b. Contractor may re-use existing conduit where possible. Please account for the additional 1 fan's location and the changing of position for the existing locations. c. All wiring, to include low voltage and control, shall be sealed in conduit. d. All electrical conduits shall be installed in a workmanlike manner at typical angles of 45 and 90. 3. Architectural New Work a. Replace exterior steel hollow metal single doors with new. Prep, prime, and paint new exterior steel hollow metal single doors. b. Replace overhang metal doors and frames with new. Prep, prime and paint new exterior overhang metal doors and frames. c. Prep, prime and paint interior metal wall panels. d. Replace all damaged window spring clips prior to reglazing. e. Reglaze (with grey glazing compound) existing exterior windows after asbestos abatement. Sand, prime, and paint reglazed widow frames and sills. Ensure windows are properly refurbished and in working order. f. Reinstall interior metal window shield. Sandblast, prime, and paint reinstalled metal window shield. g. Patch hole in interior drywall partition by bathrooms. Prep, prime and paint interior drywall partitions by bathrooms. h. Install new water fountains with bottle filling stations, according to manufacturer's instructions, where existing water fountains were removed.

GC Bidding

Fitness / Rec Centers


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To Be Determined, Fort Benning, GA

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