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Saving Project...

Published March 22, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The City of Pittsburgh Office of Management and Budget, on behalf of the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure, is seeking qualified vendors for the construction of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) slope fills to restore lateral support along the western shoulder of Riverview Avenue. This project is necessary due to recent landslides that have caused erosion at two sites within the 26th Ward. The work will involve excavation, removal of slide debris, and installation of GRS slope fills with geogrid fabric reinforcement to stabilize the area. Additional tasks include drainage improvements, asphalt restoration, guiderail installation, and site erosion protection. Vendors with expertise in slope stabilization and geosynthetic reinforcement are encouraged to submit proposals. Contact Information Jessie Nusser Sourcing Specialist 414 Grant St Suite 502 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Email: jessica.nusser@pittsburghpa.gov Phone: (412) 255-2458 Question Deadline 04/07/2025 at 3:00 PM ET Question Submission Method: All questions shall be submitted via ''Q&A'' feature on online. Regardless of any notification of Award to any Bidder, all Bids are potentially acceptable by the City for ninety (90) calendar days from the Opening. Nothing in this paragraph is to be considered a waiver of the City's rights against a Bidder who fails to execute a Contract after receiving notification of an Award. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Guarantee in the form a cashier's check or money order, in an amount not exceeding five (5) percent of the Bid total, by a bond with corporate surety in an amount not exceeding five (5) percent of the Bid total, or by an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a bank or other financial institution duly recognized and authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Upon Award, Bidder will, within ten (10) calendar days of Award notice, furnish a Performance Bond using sufficient surety or sureties, in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract price. The bond must specify that the Work will be completed in a manner satisfactory to the City. The bond must also state that the City is not liable for any expenses incurred through the failure to complete the Work as specified, nor liable for any damages growing out of the carelessness of Contractor, Contractor's employees, or subcontractors. Upon Award, Bidder will also, with ten (10) calendar days of Award notice, furnish a Payment Bond in the amount of 100% of the Contract price. Substantial or unreasonable delays in response times, estimated time, or non-adherence thereto, in addition to any failure to meet Project schedule deadlines or other failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Contract will constitute cause for the assessment of liquidated damages. Contractor agrees to the Completion Date set out in the Scope of Work and acknowledges that if the Project is not completed by the Completion Date, the delay will materially interfere with the City's operations. In the event of any such delay, it would be difficult to establish the actual damage for which Contractor is the material cause. Contractor and the City therefore agree that in the event of such delay in completion of the Project beyond the Completion Date, the amount of damages shall be as set forth in the Scope of Work and agree that Contractor shall pay such amount as liquidated damages, not as a penalty. The amount of liquidated damages if the Project is not completed by the Completion Date shall be the amount set out in the Scope of Work, which amount shall be paid for each calendar day following the Completion Date. Assessment of liquidated damages does not require filing a claim, and any such assessed damages will be immediately deducted from payments due under the Contract. The City may set off any amounts owed by Contractor for liquidated damages against any amounts owed to Contractor by the City under the Agreement. The liquidated damages provision in this Section is also subject to the provisions related to Force Majeure set out in the Contract and shall not be construed to limit any other reme The City reserves the right to reject, for any reason, any or all Bids if it is in the best interest(s) of the City at the City's sole discretion, to do so.

GC Bidding

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Riverview Ave, Pittsburgh, PA

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