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Published March 24, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a power facility in Seattle, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a power facility.

Broad Street Substation Switchgear Replacement PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The City of Seattle seeks Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from quali qualified firms to provide Design-Build (DB) servic es for the Broad Street Substation Switchgear Replacement (RE-BID) Project The Project consists of per mitting, design, and construc-tion services for a DB Team to demolish and remove the exist ing metal-clad switchgear and its components from the Project Site. The switchgear consists of Westinghouse air-blast type cir-cuit breakers installed circa 1950. The DB Team must then provide arc-resistant switchgear compat-ible with the existing substation infrastructure, and which must be assembled and tested prior to delivery. The relays, meters and controls must be provided in the enclosures and pre-wired accord-ing to Seattle City Light (SCL) specifications and standards. SCL Substation Crews will install the connections for the control and. alarms from the control room to the new switchgear and assist the DB team with performing the relay commissioning. SCL anticipates that the new switchgear will be smaller in scale and size than the current footprint for the existing switch-gear. SCL also anticipates that the new switchgear will weigh less than existing. The DB Team must include design and construc-tion services to structurally infill the existing structure as neces-sary to accommodate the reduced footprint of the new switchgear to match the existing structure and building envelope. Structural work required also includes evaluating the existing structure for support-ing both vertical land lateral teral loads including seisinic loading for the new switchgear and upgrading existing components and struc tures as needed. A firewall adja-cent to the existing transformers must be included in the switchgear building or designed as a stand-alone wall between the switchgear and transformer. It is anticipated that the new switchgear will be installed above the existing roof line (Le. concrete structure) with cables down to the basement. DESIGN-BUILD CONTR-ACT ESTIMATE: $25 Million to $30 Million


Power Plant


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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319 6th Ave N, Seattle, WA

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RFP D/B - Broad Street Substation Switchgear Replacement

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