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Published March 25, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and asbestos abatement for a residential development in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Completed plans call for site work for a residential development; and for asbestos abatement for a residential development.

LEGAL NOTICE Bridgeport Housing Authority is now accepting bids for Lead Abatement at various Scattered Site locations. The work shall consist of, as detailed herein and within the attached E, the lead abatement work at the following scattered site(s), all in Bridgeport, CT: 2.1.1 53-55 Remington Street 2.1.2 1856 Seaview Avenue 2.1.3 1810-1812 Stratford Avenue 2.1.4 86-88 Seeley Street 2.1.5 195-197 Deacon Street 2.1.6 93-97 Palisade Avenue 2.1.7 38-40 McKinley Avenue 2.1.8 54-56 Garden Drive 2.1.9 99 Harvey Street 2.1.10 130-132 Parrott Avenue 2.1.11 156-158 Hazelwood Avenue 2.1.12 145-147 Marion Street 2.1.13 217 Laurel Avenue 2.1.14 197-199 Beardsley Street The bid bond or guarantee shall be included in the bid package submitted by each bidder for any proposed fee that is greater than $100,000 (please see the preceding Section herein). This bond ensures that if awarded the contract, the bidder will accept and perform the work under the contract. It also ensures that the bidder will not attempt to withdraw or otherwise not fulfill the contract. Finally, the bid bond ensures that the bidder will execute the contractual documents that are required within the time specified in the solicitation or forfeit all or part of the guarantee. A certified check, bank draft, U.S. Government Bonds at par value, bid bond secured by an acceptable surety company, or other negotiable instrument may be accepted as a bid guarantee. If the successful bidder refuses to sign the contract after award, the bid bond is forfeited, and the award will then go to the next lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Question Deadline 02/25/2025 at 12:00 PM ET Deadline to Submit Questions Gina Vadney, Procurement Manager Telephone: (203) 337-8831 E-Mail: gvadney@parkcitycommunities.com The Agency reserves the right to approve or reject (and demand the movement) of the placement of any such equipment or vehicles at any time during the performance of the contracted work if, in the opinion of the Agency, the placement of such equipment or vehicles does interfere with such traffic. The payment bond is a method of ensuring that the Contractor pays the subcontractors and suppliers. By requiring payment bonds, the Agency avoids becoming entangled in disputes concerning payment of subcontractors and suppliers by the general contractor. The surety underwriting the payment bond ensures the contractors and suppliers will be paid.


Residential Subdivision


Public - City

Asbestos Abatement, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Bridgeport, CT

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Lead Abatement at Various Scattered Site

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