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Published March 25, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an industrial development in Centralia, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a industrial development.

The SWW Fair has received State Grant funding through the Washington State Department of Agriculture Fairs Program for $237,500 to improve the roof and repair the 4-H Barn at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds. This project is grant funded. It is critical that this project is completed no later than May 31, 2025 to ensure funding is available. This project directly affects the community and its youth. This is a Request for Proposals (RFP) from qualified contractors to perform structural and roofing improvements on the 4-H Barn located at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds in Chehalis, WA. The Lewis County Capital Facilities Department in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, herby notifies all respondents that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. Lewis County Facilities Department is requesting proposals, for needed repairs, to the 4-H Barn located on the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds. Please see exhibit A for the established goals of the project. The primary objectives of this project include: A. Foundation & Structural Repairs Pour footing and stem-wall (South Side of Barn) capable of supporting the wall structure. Replace any damaged or non-code-compliant issues with the south wall. Install exterior metal siding with 3' exposed fastener, minimum 29-gauge metal (color to be determined by the county) to all 4 sides of building. B. South Wall Modifications (reuse and rehang role up doors on south wall) Frame in a man door on the south wall, west of the nearest roll-up door. Re-sheet the south wall (interior) up to the rafters using 1/2 " OSB. Apply 3/4 " PT plywood on the bottom 16" tall. C. East Wall Improvements Re-sheet the east wall up to the window area using 1/2 " OSB or plywood. Apply 3/4 " PT plywood on the bottom 16". D. Roofing Replacement Remove existing sheet metal roofing (prevailing wage and proper safety protocols required). Install new plywood or OSB sheathing as determined by code over truss components with identical overhangs. Apply white composition roofing with the following specifications: 1/2 " sheeting over rafters Specified felt thickness (to be determined) Manufacturer's warranty of 30 years Workmanship warranty of 5 years . E. Structural & Exterior Enhancements Identify and replace all compromised eaves, fascia, exposed overhangs, and rafter tails. Remove, reuse, replace, or install gutters as necessary to complete the system. Salvage and reinstall exhaust fans where possible. F. Door Purchase & Entryway Framing and Installations Install two (2) 8x8x14 PT beams to support garage doors. Install two (2) 12' x 10' metal sliding doors on the east and west sides of the center dividing wall. Install a 12' x 12' metal garage door centered in the dividing wall between the sliders. Install a man door on the northwest side of the 60' wide portion of the building. Replace current sliders with 14' wide by 10' tall metal garage doors on the center entrances of the east and west sides. G. Floor Resurfacing Resurface the entire floor of south barn by adding one lift of asphalt. INCLUDE LINE-ITEM COST OF INCLUDING NORTH BARN FLOOR. Eliminate tripping hazards and raise portions of the building as needed. H. The contractor shall obtain all required permits for structural, civil, engineering, and architectural work in compliance with the regulations set forth by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). If drawings are required, the contractor is responsible for obtaining all necessary structural, civil, or architectural engineering services as required by the "AHJ". Lewis County is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Minority, veteran, and women-owned firms are encouraged to submit a statement of qualifications. Question Deadline 03/23/2025 at 8:00 PM PT For more information about the project and submittal requirements, contact Matt Patana, Project Manager, at 360-219-6147 or email matt.patana@lewiscountywa.gov. This project is funded through a grant and must adhere to all prevailing wage requirements and applicable building codes.

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1909 S Gold St, Centralia, WA

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4-H Barn Restoration Project RFP

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