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Published September 7, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and new construction of a bridge / tunnel in Evansville, Indiana. Completed plans call for the construction of a bridge / tunnel.

https://www.insideindianabusiness.com/articles/federal-funding-could-speed-up-ohio-river-crossing-timeline Last week, the states of Indiana and Kentucky applied for more than $632 million in federal grant funding in support of the I-69 Ohio River Crossing (ORX) project. The $1.4 billion project, when complete, will extend Interstate 69 and connect Evansville with Henderson, Kentucky via a new, four-lane bridge over the Ohio River. _____________________________________________________________________________________ As of September 7, 2023, the Design-Builder for Section 1 has all subs in place. Construction for Section 1 began June 2022. Timeline for following sections could be moved up pending funding to begin as early as 2025. -West Alternative 1 is estimated to cost $1.47 billion. The proposal calls for a 4-lane I-69 bridge and a U.S. 41 bridge for local traffic, as well as a reconstructed U.S. 60 interchange and new Watson Lane and U.S. 41/Veterans Memorial Parkway interchanges. -West Alternative 2 is estimated to cost $1.49 billion. The proposal calls for a 6-lane I-69 bridge and would take away the two current U.S. 41 bridges and include a reconstructed U.S. 60 interchange and new Watson Lane, Wolf Hills/Stratman Road, Nugent Drive and U.S. 41/Veterans Memorial Parkway interchanges. -Central Alternative 1 is estimated to cost $1.42 billion. The proposal calls for a 4-lane I-69 bridge and use of one U.S. 41 bridge for local traffic, as well as new U.S. 41, U.S. 60 and Veterans Memorial Parkway interchanges. Section 1 - Focuses on improvements in Henderson and extends from KY 425 to US 60. • KYTC is overseeing the project. • Estimated cost: $237 million (year of expenditure) • Timeline: o 2020 – Design o 2021 – Right-of-way acquisition and utilities coordination o 2022-2025 – Construction As of October 2021, the Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision are complete Information regarding design team and contractor selection has not been disclosed. A firm timeline has not been established. Construction is expected to begin in 2022 and continue through 2025.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Paving, Site Work

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June 6, 2022


I-69, Evansville, IN

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