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Published February 24, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Butler, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Signal replacement, installation of turn lanes, and corridor improvements to enhance safety and reduce congestion and other miscellaneous construction, as indicated on the approved drawings included in the bid package for STATE ROUTE 0068, SECTION 290, in Butler COUNTY Butler and Connoquenessing TOWNSHIPS from approximately just east of Stevenson Road (T-425) at segment 0320 offset 0633 to approximately the intersection of Meridian Road/Benbrook Road (SR 3007) at segment 0360 offset 2343. Project Cost Range: $12,500,000.00 - $14,999,999.99 Federal Project Status: PENNDOT Oversight Non-NHS Structure Work: 0.00% Pre-Bid Meeting: None Wage Rates: Yes Prequalification Requirement: Yes State Type of Work: HIGHWAY RECONSTRUCTION 408 Version: 2020-5 DBE: 10% PennDOT - PA 68 Corridor Improvements *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. SR/SEC/Group ID: 68/290/--- The Work includes, but is not limited to, the following: A. Pavement removal, including saw cutting, as required. B. Construction and maintenance of bridges and other structures as required for traffic control. C. Furnishing of flagmen, traffic warning and control as required. D. Sheeting, bracing and support of trench and adjoining ground where necessary. E. Furnish and install thrust blocking and pipe restraints as required. F. Handling drainage and water removal G. Guarding the site and materials on site. H. Unloading, loading, hauling, distributing, laying and testing the pipe,valves, fittings and appurtenances; including the installation of polyethylene encasement, and identification marking tape or location wire. I. Rearranging underground piping, services, laterals, and other pipes and ducts where necessary. There will be no compensation for unmarked or mis-marked utilities. J. Excavation and backfilling of trenches and pits. K. Restoration of paved and concrete surfaces, and curbing. The Owner reserves the right to either omit restoration from the contract award, or authorize final restoration to be completed by others and eliminate the restoration line item by change order to the contract agreement. L. Removal of surplus excavated material and debris, and cleaning of the work site. M. Maintenance of street or other surfaces for the required period of time. N. Erosion and Sediment Control. O. Ground restoration, except restoration - top soil and seed and/or sod which is paid for under Line Item 24. P. Piping tie-ins. Q. Blow-off installations. R. Performance of hydrostatic pressure and leakage tests. S. Flush and clean. T. Disinfection of pipeline, including dechlorination of discharge. U. Cut and cap existing water lines to be abandoned in place after new water line and existing service connections are installed. V. Contact PA One Call for utility location prior to construction. W. Verify existing location and size of service connections. X. Verify existing conditions and necessary dimensions prior to initiating work. Y. Submit schedules and shop drawings. Z. Submit as-built records, if identified as bid item. AA. Compaction testing of Backfill for State Highway projects, per Section 2210.3.06 F unless identified in the bid package that the work will be performed by the Company. BB. Replacement of Customer-side lead service pipe. CC. Replacement of Company-side services and laterals.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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Trades Specified

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
Division 01 - General Requirements

Division 01 - General Requirements

Administrative Requirements, Submittal Procedures, Certificates, Special Procedures, Alteration Project Procedures, Quality Requirements, Regulatory Requirements, Temporary Facilities and Controls, Vehicular Access and Parking, Traffic Control, Execution and Closeout Requirements, Examination and Preparation, Execution, Application, Erection, Cleaning and Waste Management, Closeout Submittals, Warranties, Facility Operation, Facility Operation Procedures, Facility Maintenance Procedures
Division 02 - Existing Conditions

Division 02 - Existing Conditions

Subsurface Investigation, Facility Remediation, Transportation and Disposal of Hazardous Materials
Division 03 - Concrete

Division 03 - Concrete

Concrete Forming and Accessories, Concrete Forming, Structural Cast-in-Place Concrete Forming, Concrete Accessories, Concrete Reinforcing, Cast-in-Place Concrete, Structural Concrete, Specialty Placed Concrete, Precast Concrete, Precast Structural Concrete, Cast Decks and Underlayment
Division 04 - Masonry

Division 04 - Masonry

Masonry, Common Work Results for Masonry, Unit Masonry, Clay Unit Masonry, Concrete Unit Masonry, Stone Assemblies
Division 05 - Metals

Division 05 - Metals

Metals, Common Work Results for Metals, Structural Metal Framing, Structural Steel Framing, Metal Fabrications, Metal Gratings
Division 08 - Openings

Division 08 - Openings

Doors and Frames, Metal Doors and Frames, Hardware, Door Hardware, Louvers and Vents, Vents
Division 09 - Finishes

Division 09 - Finishes

Painting and Coating
Division 10 - Specialties

Division 10 - Specialties

Interior Specialties, Partitions, Storage Specialties, Postal Specialties
Division 11 - Equipment

Division 11 - Equipment

Foodservice Equipment, Educational and Scientific Equipment, Laboratory Equipment
Division 12 - Furnishings

Division 12 - Furnishings

Furniture, Seating
Division 22 - Plumbing

Division 22 - Plumbing

Plumbing, Common Work Results for Plumbing, Meters and Gages for Plumbing Piping, General-Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping, Plumbing Insulation, Plumbing Piping and Pumps, Facility Water Distribution, Domestic Water Piping, Facility Storm Drainage, Facility Storm Drainage Piping, Plumbing Equipment, Domestic Water Filtration Equipment, Gas and Vacuum Systems for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
Division 23 - Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning

Division 23 - Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Common Work Results for HVAC, Meters and Gages for HVAC Piping, General-Duty Valves for HVAC Piping, HVAC Insulation, HVAC Piping and Pumps, Hydronic Piping and Pumps, Hydronic Pumps, HVAC Air Distribution, HVAC Ducts and Casings
Division 26 - Electrical

Division 26 - Electrical

Electrical, Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Systems, Low-Voltage Electrical Distribution, Lighting
Division 31 - Earthwork

Division 31 - Earthwork

Earthwork, Common Work Results for Earthwork, Soils for Earthwork, Aggregates for Earthwork, Site Clearing, Earth Moving, Grading, Excavation and Fill, Excavation, Trenching, Dewatering, Fill, Backfill, Compaction, Embankments, Erosion and Sedimentation Controls, Special Foundations and Load-Bearing Elements, Driven Piles, Bored Piles, Foundation Anchors
Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Exterior Improvements, Common Work Results for Exterior Improvements, Bases, Ballasts, and Paving, Flexible Paving, Asphalt Paving, Curbs and Gutters, Paving Specialties, Pavement Markings, Planting, Turf and Grasses, Seeding, Plants, Shrubs, Trees
Division 33 - Utilities

Division 33 - Utilities

Utilities, Operation and Maintenance of Utilities, Operation and Maintenance of Sewer Utilities, Common Work Results for Utilities, Water Utilities, Water Utility Distribution Piping, Water Utility Distribution Equipment, Water Service Connections
Division 34 - Transportation

Division 34 - Transportation

Transportation, Transportation Signaling and Control Equipment, Roadway Signaling and Control Equipment, Traffic Signals
Division 35 - Waterways and Marine Construction

Division 35 - Waterways and Marine Construction

Waterway and Marine Construction and Equipment, Coastal Construction, Shoreline Protection
Division 40 - Process Interconnections

Division 40 - Process Interconnections

Process Integration, Common Work Results for Process Integration
Division 41 - Material Processing and Handling Equipment

Division 41 - Material Processing and Handling Equipment

Piece Material Handling Equipment, Cranes and Hoists, Hoists, Lifting Devices, Clamps, Hooks, Manufacturing Equipment, Machining Equipment, Drilling Equipment, Assembly and Testing Equipment, Cutting Equipment
Division 44 - Pollution Control Equipment

Division 44 - Pollution Control Equipment

Water Treatment Equipment

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