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Published April 25, 2019 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Rochester, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

This project is to electrically connect the three (3) new underfire air damper actuators on boiler 2 located at the Olmsted Waste to Energy Facility (OWEF) in Rochester, Minnesota. Question Cutoff Date 4/17/2019 03:00 PM (ET) This work shall be performed between Monday, May 20, 2019 and Friday, May 31, 2019. These dates are subject to change depending on plant operations; however, reasonable notice will be given to the awarded Contractor if a change occurs. A pre-bid meeting may or may not be scheduled for this project. Please refer to the project's "Activities" tab on the portal for details. If a pre-bid meeting has been scheduled, the County reserves the right to entertain or reject additional requests for site visits from Bidders. Please note that any exchange of information that takes place during a site visit must be formalized in order to be considered valid. 1.1 This project is to electrically connect the three (3) new underfire air damper actuators on boiler 2 located at the Olmsted Waste to Energy Facility (OWEF) in Rochester, Minnesota. 1.2 The OWEF is a waste-fired cogeneration power plant located in Rochester Minnesota that is owned and operated by Olmsted County. The OWEF provides heating, cooling, electric power, and other utility services to a number of local buildings. The primary fuel for the OWEF is Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), with natural gas and light fuel oil serving as backup fuels. 1.3 OWEF plant consists of two (2) 100 ton-per-day and one (1) 200 ton-per-day MSW waste combustor boiler units of the mass-burn water-cooled wall design, three (3) steam turbinegenerators, Municipal Solid Waste receiving facility, ash handling systems, air pollution control equipment, necessary auxiliary installations, the medium voltage work necessary to connect with the utility grid, and a natural gas fired backup boiler. 1.4 The two (2) 100 ton-per-day Riley/Takuma waste combustor boiler units were commissioned in 1987. Unit 1 and Unit 2 are of the stoker fired, water-cooled wall, excess air type. Unit 1 and Unit 2 supply about 25-30 kpph of live steam each, at 610 psig/ 610- 650 degrees F. The one (1) 200 ton-per-day AEEVR/ Duro Dakovich waste combustor boiler unit was commissioned in 2010. Unit 3 is also a stoker fired, water-cooled wall, excess air type. Unit 3 supplies 57-63 kpph of live steam, at 610 psig/ 610-650 degrees F. The 75 kpph dual fuel Nebraska packaged boiler unit provides backup steam at 250 psig saturated conditions for use during the waste combustor-boiler shutdowns. 1.5 Electrical power is generated with one (1) backpressure steam turbine-generator unit of 1.86-MW nominal capacity (TG1), one (1) condensing steam turbine-generator unit of 2.22-MW nominal capacity (TG2), and one (1) condensing/ extraction steam turbinegenerator unit of 5.4-MW nominal capacity (TG3). TG1 and/or TG3 supply steam to a 60-psig header used primarily for the OWEF district energy system; TG2 exhausts into air-cooled condenser 1; and TG3 exhausts into air-cooled condenser 2. Steam from the 600-psig header is also cascaded to supply 250-psig steam headers through a pressure reducing and desuperheating stations. 1.6 The facility operates continuously twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, fifty-two (52) weeks every year. The planned operating schedule of each boiler allows normal planned maintenance to be accomplished without interrupting the supply of steam or electricity. There are currently three (3) scheduled maintenance shutdowns per year for Unit 1 and Unit 2 and two (2) scheduled maintenance shutdowns per year for Unit 3. Outage duration varies depending on the time of year, but normally requires about two (2) weeks for Unit 1 or Unit 2 and four (4) weeks for Unit 3. Outages typically do not occur simultaneously. 1.7 This project shall have all work specified below performed as a turnkey service, unless indicated otherwise in this specification. The contractor shall supply all supervision, labor, and tools for all work conducted onsite.




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April 24, 2019

May 20, 2019


301 Silver Creek Rd NE, Rochester, MN

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