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Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in West Haven, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the construction of a medical facility; and for site work for a medical facility.
In accordance with 38 USC 8127 Public Law 109461 this project is a competitive ServiceDisabled Veteran Owned Small Business SDVOSB SetAside The contractor will be required to provide all labor project management materials tools supplies and equipment as required by drawings and specifications to complete the necessary work for the minor project New Inpatient Pharmacy The location of the project is West Haven VAMC 950 Campbell Avenue West Haven CT 06516 This project must be completed in accordance with specifications drawings and supporting attachments included in the solicitation package The VAAR Construction Magnitude for this project is between 10000000 and 20000000 There are not additive or deductive CLIN items associated with the pricing schedule for this project INFORMATION REGARDING BIDDING MATERIAL BID GUARANTEE AND BONDS 11 PROPOSAL MATERIAL Proposal materials consisting of the specifications other attachments and contract forms are included andor attached as part of this Request For Proposal The VA will not provide printed copies of the specifications or solicitation documents It is the responsibility of the offeror to obtain the proposal materials in a time and manner sufficient to respond to this solicitation by the specified due date 12 BID GUARANTEE A Bid Guarantee Standard Form SF 24 is required in an amount not less than 20 percent of the proposal price but shall not exceed 3000000 Failure to furnish the required bid proposal guarantee in the proper form and amount by the time set for receipt of proposals may result in the rejection of the proposal Copies of the SF 24 may be obtained from httpwwwgsagovportalformstypeTOP 13 PAYMENT PERFORMANCE BONDS The offeror to whom award is made will be required to furnish two bonds A Payment Bond shall be provided on Standard Form 25A SF 25A and a Performance Bond shall be provided on Standard Form 25 SF 25 Both bonds shall be submitted in accordance with FAR 5222815 Performance and Payment Bonds Construction which can be located under FAR 522522 Clauses Incorporated by Reference Copies of SFs 25A and 25 may be obtained from httpwwwgsagovportalformstypeTOP INSTRUCTIONS CONDITIONS AND OTHER STATEMENTS TO BIDDERSOFFERORS 21 AVAILABILITY OF SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS All solicitation related documents will be published to httpssamgov 22 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL This is a Request For Proposal RFP in accordance with FAR Part 15 Award will be made to the offeror whose proposal represents the best value to the Government utilizing the Lowest Price Technically Acceptable LPTA method of evaluation Evaluation Factors include Factor 1 Technical and Factor 2 Price To receive consideration for award a rating of ACCEPTABLE must be achieved for Factor 1 Technical Responsibility determination will be made in accordance with FAR 91 Responsible Prospective Contractors All proposals shall be subject to evaluation by a team of Government personnel The Government reserves the right to award without discussions based upon the initial evaluation of the proposals Evaluations will be based on the following evaluation factors Factor 2 Technical Volume Technical Element 1 Prior Experience Element 2 Technical Approach Factor 1 Price Proposal Requirement Price Price 23 SDVOSB SETASIDE This procurement is 100 setaside for ServiceDisabled VeteranOwned Small Business concerns Offers received from other than ServiceDisabled VeteranOwned Small Business concerns will not be considered All ServiceDisabled VeteranOwned Small Businesses must be listed as verified by the Small Business Administration SBA Veteran Small Business Certification VetCert Offerors must be verified and visible in the SBA VetCert database Veteran Small Business Certification sbagov at TIME OF SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS AND TIME OF AWARD Failure to be BOTH visible and verified at the time of proposal submission and time of award will result in the offerors proposal being deemed unacceptable and ineligible for award NOTE As of January 1 2023 all SDVOSBs that were previously verified by the VA Center for Verification and Evaluation CVE are automatically granted certification by the SBA for the remainder of the firms eligibility period The SBA intends to grant a onetime oneyear extension of certification to current SDVOSBs verified by the VA as of the transfer date on January 1 2023 This additional year will be added to the existing eligibility period of a current participant New applicants certified by SBA after January 1 2023 will receive the standard threeyear certification period The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 NDAA 2021 grants a oneyear grace period for selfcertified SDVOSBs until January 1 2024 During the grace period selfcertified businesses have one year to file an application for SDVOSB certification and may continue to rely on their selfcertification to compete for nonVA SDVOSB setaside contracts Selfcertified SDVOSBs that apply before January 1 2024 will maintain their eligibility through the expiration of the grace period until SBA issues a final eligibility decision 24 PREPROPOSAL SITE VISIT A formal site visit has been scheduled for this project This will be the only opportunity for potential offerors to visit the site All potential offerors subcontractors and suppliers are strongly encouraged to attend this site visit All attendees are to meet at the lobby of 950 Campbell Avenue West Haven CT Building 15 at the VA Connecticut Healthcare West Haven Campus on May 31 2023 at 1000 AM EST See Attachment 15 West have Site Plan 100219 If further direction is needed please call the COR Gary Barbour at 2039325711 ext 5122 All attendees are required to wear a medical grade mask that covers the nose and mouth at all times while inside the Connecticut Healthcare West Haven Campus Parking is largely open across the campus We ask that contractors refrain from parking in handicap unless applicable fire lanes or other specially designated spaces These are clearly marked for visitors expediency NOTE Although not required it is highly recommended that those who attend the preproposal site visit for this project review the drawings ahead of time Due to the continued care of our veterans there may be areas that cannot be accessed during the preproposal site visit Any questions regarding these areas can be addressed during the technical question period of the solicitation See FAR 5223627 of this solicitation for further information 25 TECHNICAL QUESTIONS Questions of a technical nature must be provided in writing and shall be submitted by the prospective offerors to Shardae Webb Questions shall be submitted only via email to ShardaeWebbvagov The subject line must read West Haven VAMC New Inpatient Pharmacy Technical Questions Oral questions of a technical nature are not acceptable due to the possibility of misunderstanding or misinterpretation THE CUTOFF DATE AND TIME FOR RECEIPT OF TECHNICAL QUESTIONS IS JUNE 5 2023 at 100 PM ET 26 AMENDMENTS Amendments to this solicitation will be posted at httpssamgov Paper copies of the amendments will NOT be individually mailed No other notification of amendments will be provided Potential offerors are advised that they are responsible for obtaining and acknowledging any amendments to the solicitation Failure to acknowledge an amendment may result in your proposal being considered unacceptable 27 PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS The Government will not pay for any costs incurred in preparation and submission of proposals 28 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Proposal Submission Offerors shall submit their proposals via email to ShardaeWebbvagov Proposals shall be based on solicitation document issued for RFP number 36C77622R0139 Proposals will be in the format stipulated in this document Proposals shall be received on or before the date and time specified in Block 13 of the SF 1442 There will be no public opening of the proposals Only email proposals will be accepted Hardcopy proposals will not be accepted Proposals shall be submitted only via email to Shardae Webb shardaewebbvagov on or before June 21 2023 at 200 PM ET The subject line must read Firm Name West Haven VAMC New Inpatient Pharmacy 36C77622R0139 Volume I II or III Proposal Format Technical Price and Administrative sections of the Offerors proposals will be evaluated independently therefore the Offeror shall submit the proposal in three 3 Volumes via email Volume I Technical Volume II Price and Volume III Administrative In order that the Volume I Technical may be evaluated strictly on the merit of the material submitted the contractor shall include NO price information in Volume I Offeror shall separate Volumes I II and III Each volume must be labeled with the Offerors organization business address and VA Solicitation Number The volumes shall be submitted in electronic format as searchable PDF documents The proposal in its entirety shall not exceed three 3 emails one email for each volume and a total of 5MB each Include page numbers and the company name in the header or footer of each page Volume I Technical Offerors shall format the Volume I Technical proposal as listed below The specific evaluation criteria and methodology for Volume I is contained in Sections D and F The offer including title page detailed table of contents preface for Volume I Technical shall not exceed a total of FIFTEEN 15 pages title page table of contents and preface are excluded from the page limits in Microsoft Times New Roman 12 font The Offeror shall not include any price or price related material in the Volume I proposal Use graphic presentations where such use will contribute to the compactness and clarity of the proposal A page is defined as each face of an 85 X 11inch sheet of paper containing information Note submission of the draft project schedule only can be submitted by utilizing larger paper 11 X 17 inch All information except for document numbers page numbers etc shall be provided in an image area of 7 X 9 inches Note this does not apply for the submission of the draft project schedule The background color of each page of the submission shall be white or ivory stock only Excess pages will not be evaluated Text lines will be singlespaced A smaller font size for any graphics presented in a proposal is permitted as long as the information is legible to the human eye Fonts other than Arial are permissible in the presentation of graphic material only The Offerors responses shall clearly address each evaluation factor listed in this solicitation Failure to submit in the format required and clearly address those factors may result in this offer being rated unacceptable Volume II Price Offerors shall format the Volume II Price proposal as listed below The specific evaluation criteria and methodology for Volume II is contained in Sections E and F Volume II Price shall not exceed a total of TEN 10 pages in Times New Roman size 12 font Offerors shall complete the Price Schedule in part A of this solicitation Offerors shall ensure the Signed Standard Form SF 1442 is provided Offerors shall acknowledge receiving amendments by filing out the section 19 of the SF 1442 In addition to the Price Schedule offerors shall submit a complete breakdown of the Division Pricing of Line items Bid Guarantee The Offeror shall furnish a bid guarantee as stipulated solicitation see FAR 522281 Pricing shall be Firm Fixed Price The bid guarantee shall be provided on Standard Form 24 The bid bond shall be submitted as part of the electronic submission Failure to furnish the required bid guarantee on the proper form and for the proper amount by the time specified in Block 13 of SF 1442 may result in rejection of the proposal Volume III Administrative Information Offerors shall include the following in Volume III All of the below information must be provided An Offeror may be considered unacceptable if these items are not provided in the proposal Offeror shall return a signed copy of the amendments that are acknowledged in section 19 of the SF 1442 Representations Certifications As the provision at FAR 522047 is included in the solicitation FAR 522048 d applies and the fillin for FAR 522048 b2 does not need to be completed The offeror is required to complete the annual representations and certifications electronically at httpswwwsamgov A copy of the completed annual representations and certification shall be submitted with proposal Offeror shall conform to VA Notice of Limitations on Subcontracting in accordance with VAAR 85221977 to submit required certification A copy of this certification shall be submitted with proposal Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment Offeror shall provide their response to FAR 5220424 c Representation Information Regarding Responsibility Matters Offeror shall provide their response to FAR 522097 b Information Regarding Responsibility Matters Violation of Arms Controls Treaties or Agreements Offeror shall provide their response to FAR 5220913 b 1 or 2 Violation of Arms Controls Treaties or Agreements A copy of this response shall be submitted Post Award Small Business Program Representations Offeror shall provide their response to FAR 5221928 g PostAward Small Business Program Representations Experience Modification Rate The Offeror shall include the Safety of Environmental Violations and Experience Modification Rating EMR Information including filling out the attached document Contractor Safety and Environmental Record Evaluation Form Provide offerors information pertaining to their past Safety and Environmental record The information must contain a certification that the offeror has no more than three 3 serious or one 1 repeat or one 1 willful OSHA or any EPA violations in the past three years If such certification cannot be made a Offeror shall explain why and submit as much information as possible regarding the circumstances of its past safety and environmental record including the number of EPA violations andor the number of serious repeat andor willful OSHA violations along with a detailed description of those violations Provide offerors information regarding their current EMR This information shall be obtained from the Offerors insurance carrier and be furnished on the insurance carriers letterhead If a Offerors EMR is above 10 Offeror must submit a written explanation of the EMR from its insurance carrier furnished on the insurance carriers letterhead describing the reasons for the elevated EMR and the anticipated date the EMR may be reduced to 10 or below Selfinsured contractors or other contractors that cannot provide their EMR rating on insurance letterhead must obtain a rating from the National Council on Compensation Insurance Inc NCCI by completingsubmitting form ERM6 and providing the rating on letterhead from NCCI Note Selfinsured contractors or other contractors that cannot provide EMR rating on insurance letterhead from the states or territories of CA DE MI NJ ND OH PA WA WY and PR shall obtain their EMR rating from their state run workers compensation insurance rating bureau If the NCCI cannot issue an EMR because the BidderOfferor lacks insurance history BidderOfferor shall submit a letter indicating so from its insurance carrier furnished on the insurance carriers letterhead and include a letter from the NCCI indicating that is has assigned BidderOfferor a Unity Rating of 10 The above information along with other information obtained from Government systems such as the OSHA and EPA online inspection history databases will be used to make an initial Determination of Responsibility This requirement is applicable to all subcontracting tiers and prospective prime contractors are responsible for determining the responsibility of their prospective subcontractors Failure to provide the above documentation may result in a determination that an Offeror is nonresponsive and therefore ineligible for award Final Proposal Revisions If determined to be necessary proposal revisions will be requested from the proposals received The CO will identify those Offerors whose proposals are within the competitive range considering the selection criteria identified in this section Discussions may be conducted with those Offerors falling within the competitive range after which proposal revisions will be requested Sealed proposal revisions will be submitted as per Section 27A above except as noted below and will be due at a time and place to be determined Offerors submitting proposal revisions will not be requested to resubmit any documents which are unchanged from their initial proposals They should provide necessary changes to individual paragraphs as briefly as possible together with a table of contents which clarifies where within the initial proposal the additional information or changed documents would be placed Proposal revisions shall include a completed SF 1442 that acknowledges receiving all amendments by number A new bid bond shall be submitted only if the final proposal revisions Offerors price proposal is greater than its initial price proposal Note this section 27C only applies if discussions are conducted Volume I Technical Proposal Requirements The proposal shall address the following submission requirements for Volume 1 Technical Volume I Factor 1 Technical Element 1 Prior Experience Prepare and submit no more than 4 projects completed within the last 5 years detailing your firms experience as a prime contractor with erecting renovating or altering facilities intended for the storage and distribution of medication to patients inpatient pharmacy IV Rooms etc Offerors must submit project references and the proposal narrative shall adequately describe the projects that are relevant to this requirement that were preformed directly by the General Contractor The narrative shall also address any equipment to be utilized owned or rented and any other documentation relative to this project to demonstrate expertise in pharmacy construction Offerors who submit proposals with no prior experience will be rated as neutral equaling an acceptable rating Volume I Factor 1 Technical Element 2 Technical Approach Offerors must clearly demonstrate their understanding of the project requirements Including phasing and scheduling of activities in accordance with the construction documents Simply restating the requirements copying and pasting from the solicitation is not considered to be a demonstration of complete understanding Rather Offerors must show that they have analyzed the requirements and demonstrate the extent to which they understand the requirements across the body of the proposal Contractors shall specifically demonstrate the following Having familiarity with USP 797 and USP 800 requirements and have designed constructed buffer rooms that meet USP 797 and USP 800 requirements which include the special HVAC requirements Phasing plan following project solicitation plans and specifications demonstrating ability to follow documents and mitigate major impacts to patient care pedestrian travel vehicular traffic and manage offsite storage as well as limited onsite storage Understanding of site constraints and working within those constraints outlined in the plans and specifications Volume II Price Proposal Requirement The proposal shall address the following submission requirements for Volume II Price Volume II Factor 3 Price Proposal Requirements Carefully follow Instructions Conditions and Notices to Offerors Standard form SF 1442 Solicitation Offer and Award Construction Alteration or Repair and the pricing schedule when submitting price offers Submit a bid guarantee as stipulated in the solicitation In addition to the pricing schedule Offerors shall submit a complete Breakdown of the Division Pricing for CLIN 0001 The Division Pricing will be used to determine price reasonableness This is found as attachment 19 The prices shall be Firm Fixed Price The Offeror shall take care not to include remarks that take exception to the Governments SpecificationsDrawings or pricing requirements or otherwise preclude the Government from evaluating the offer or render the offer as unacceptable If the Offeror communicates in its proposal any qualifications exceptions exclusions or conditions to the proposed prices not provided for in the Offerors proposal documents the Contracting Officer may reject the proposal and exclude the Offeror from further discussions Evaluation of Offers Methodology All Offerors are advised that in the interest of efficiency the Government reserves the right to conduct the evaluation in the most effective manner Specifically the Government may first evaluate the total proposed price of all Offerors Thereafter the Government will evaluate the technical proposal of the lowest priced Offeror only If the lowest priced Offerors technical proposal is determined to be rated as Acceptable the Government may make award to that Offeror without further evaluation of the remaining Offerors technical proposals If the lowest priced Offerors technical proposal is determined to be rated as Unacceptable then the Government may evaluate the next lowest priced technical proposal and so forth and so on until the Government reaches the lowest priced technical proposal that is determined to be rated as acceptable However the Government reserves the right to evaluate all Offerors technical proposals should it desire to conduct discussions or otherwise determine it to be in the Governments best interest Volume I Factor 1 Technical Element 1 Prior Experience Offerors will be required to submit the information on Prior Experience Information submitted will be reviewed to determine if the offerors technical rating is ACCEPTABLE or UNACCEPTABLE Offerors who submit proposals with no prior experience will be rated as neutral equaling an acceptable rating Acceptable is defined as the Offeror demonstrated the ability to meet all of the Governments minimum requirements as identified in the solicitation Unacceptable is defined as the Offeror failed to demonstrate the ability to meet all of the Governments minimum requirements as identified in the solicitation Minimum requirements are defined as the Offeror has clearly analyzed requirements outlined in the project scope and demonstrated a clear understanding of the project and adequately demonstrated their construction experience to complete this project Each criteria element must be addressed to be deemed acceptable including Prepare and submit no more than 4 projects completed within the last 5 years detailing your firms experience as a prime contractor with erecting renovating or altering facilities intended for the storage and distribution of medication to patients inpatient pharmacy IV Rooms etc Only include projects that have been successfully completed Offerors must submit project references and the proposal narrative shall adequately describe the projects that are relevant to this requirement that were preformed directly by the General Contractor The narrative shall also address any equipment to be utilized owned or rented and any other documentation relative to this project to demonstrate expertise in pharmacy construction Offerors who submit proposals with no prior experience will be rated as neutral equaling an acceptable rating Volume I Factor Technical Element 2 Technical Approach Offerors will be required to submit the information on Technical Approach Information submitted will be reviewed to determine if the offerors technical rating is ACCEPTABLE or UNACCEPTABLE Acceptable is defined as the Offeror demonstrated the ability to meet all of the Governments minimum requirements as identified in the solicitation Unacceptable is defined as the Offeror failed to demonstrate the ability to meet all of the Governments minimum requirements as identified in the solicitation Minimum requirements are defined as the Offeror has clearly analyzed requirements outlined in the project scope and demonstrated a clear understanding of the project and adequately demonstrated their construction experience to complete this project Each criteria element must be addressed to be deemed acceptable including Having familiarity with USP 797 and USP 800 requirements and have designed constructed buffer rooms that meet USP 797 and USP 800 requirements which include the special HVAC requirements Phasing plan following project solicitation plans and specifications demonstrating ability to follow documents and mitigate major impacts to patient care pedestrian travel vehicular traffic and manage offsite storage as well as limited onsite storage Understanding of site constraints and working within those constraints outlined in the plans and specifications Volume II Factor 3 Price The total evaluated price will be determined by the Offerors price for CLIN 0001 on the pricing schedule The Offeror who provides the lowest price will be determined to be the lowest priced Offeror In addition to the pricing schedule Offerors shall submit a complete Breakdown of the Division Pricing for CLIN 0001 The Division Pricing will be used to determine price reasonableness The Breakdown of the Division Pricing is found as attachment 19 to the solicitation If the Offeror communicates in its proposal any qualifications exceptions exclusions or conditions to the proposed prices the Contracting Officer may reject the proposal and exclude the Offeror from further consideration for award 29 DETERMINATION OF RESPONSIBILITY A Determination of Responsibility will be conducted for the apparent successful offeror prior to award of the project The above information along with other information obtained from Government systems such as but not limited to the OSHA and EPA online inspection history databases as well as any other information the Contracting Officer has determined to be valid will be used to make the Determination of Responsibility NOTE Any information received by the Government that would be cause for a negative Determination of Responsibility may make the offeror ineligible for award 210 VETS 4212 Title 38 USC Section 4212d codified at 41 CFR Section 61300 requires that federal contractors report at least annually the number and category of veterans who are within their workforce Submission of the VETS4212 reporting information can be done electronically at httpwwwdolgovvetsvets4212htm Award cannot be made unless the awardee has filed their VETS4212 report Therefore all Offerors are encouraged to file every year The Contracting Officer may request a copy of the email confirmation of receipt notification prior to awarding the project The value for this project is based on a financial range The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document
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