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Published July 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in Salina, Kansas. Design plans call for the construction of a six-story above grade, 500-space parking garage; retail development; for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

https://www.bizjournals.com/wichita/news/2024/07/22/transportation-transit-city-buses-multimodal.html Most recently the assistant director of public works and utilities, Penny Feist has been named Wichita's new director of transportation. Feist had been serving in an interim capacity since January, following the departure of longtime transit director Mike Tann, who retired at the beginning of the year. "As a lifelong resident of Wichita, I'm thrilled at the opportunity to serve my community in a new and meaningful way," Feist said in a news release. "It's an exciting time for Wichita Transit and I look forward to the work ahead as we continue to improve this vital public service." A city employee for almost 10 years, Feist has held numerous roles, including as a strategic services manager in public works, a strategic services assistant division manager, and as a senior management analyst. Her career also included positions at Reno County Community Corrections and with the state's social and rehabilitation services, according to the city. The city says Feist has coordinated the development of a new transit service plan, upgraded scheduling software, and supported sponsorship for the city's new multimodal center capital project during her time as interim director. As head of transit, she will oversee the move of the city's central transit center from 214 S. Topeka -- which will eventually be torn down for the new Wichita Biomedical Campus -- to a multimodal center adjacent to Riverfront Stadium in Delano. She will also will manage nearly 150 employees and a $20.3 million annual budget for the department. "Promoting Penny from interim director to director is a testament to her blend of knowledge, analytical abilities, and leadership skills as demonstrated throughout her career with the city of Wichita," city manager Robert Layton said. "Her tenure as interim director illuminated her ability to steer the department towards a promising future, making Penny the natural choice to guide us into our next chapter of success." With 51 buses and 26 vans, the city's transit department served about 1.1 million passengers in 2023, the city said. That's down 16% since before the pandemic as public transit systems across the nation struggle with passenger counts, according to data from the Federal Transit Administration. Since 2013, Wichita's ridership has fallen 46%. ____________________ Plans call to construct new six-story, 500-spot multimodal center to be built across Sycamore Street from Riverfront Stadium. As of April 10, 2024, this project is in the design phase. Although a firm timeline for construction has not been determined, construction is not expected to start prior to Q3 2024. *Project information, including timeline and contacts, has been obtained through public sources. The content management team continues to pursue additional details; however, the contact(s) listed have yet to disclose or confirm any information. Inquiries should be directed to the contact(s) listed.


Parking Garage


Public - City

New Construction, Paving, Site Work

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July 29, 2024


Sycamore street and Texas street, Salina, KS

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