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Published February 22, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of an educational facility in Eagleville, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

Requests for clarification are due Tuesday, November 17, 2020 3:00:00 PM [(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)]. As of February 19, 2020, a general contractor has been identified to receive the contract award. The official award notice to proceed is expected to be released late February 2020. Methacton High School is a two-story masonry and steel structure that has approximately one (1) linear mile of facade, composed of brick, cast stone, stucco, limestone and storefront window systems. It consists of several wings built at different times, the earliest dating back to 1961 which was the original school. Subsequent additions were built prior to 1971, between 1993-1999 and 2003. Despite the age differences, the wings all typically conform to the same exterior architectural appearance. There is semiprivate courtyard in the middle of the school footprint with a breeze way to access it from the east. The facades are nearly identical on each wing of the building, consisting of the following exposed materials: brick, replacement windows/doors, cast stone or limestone ornamentation. The scope of work for this project is to furnish and install the following: a. New post-supported and awning (or hanger rod) canopies at various door locations. b. New concrete ramps, stairs, railings, small retaining walls and sidewalks at various door locations. c. New concrete loading dock. d. New FRP or aluminum door systems at various locations. e. New trench drains at specific locations. f. Prepare, prime and paint specific existing doors. g. Replacement of door hardware at existing doors to remain and replacement doors. Owner to furnish hardware for installation. h. Athletic Suite Entry modifications - new canopy, concrete sidewalk, door hardware, planters and benches. i. Furnish and install new louvers at one specific location. j. Remove existing spandrel glass and infill opening wall with masonry at one location. Requests for clarification are due Tuesday, January 28, 2020 9:00:00 AM [(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)].




Public - County

Renovation, Site Work





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November 24, 2020

January 25, 2021


1005 Kriebel Mill Rd, Eagleville, PA

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