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Published March 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving, renovation and addition to a municipal facility in Belcourt, North Dakota. Working plans call for the addition of a 800-square-foot municipal facility; for the demolition of a municipal facility; for the renovation of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

As of March 14, 2022, this project will not move forward. There are no plans to rebid. The scope of work includes construction of an 800sf addition and reconfiguration of the existing office to convert open office areas into enclosed offices. The proposed addition and existing building are to be modified to comply with ADA requirements. Work includes sitework (grading, paving, seeding, utilities), general construction (footings, foundations, insulation, framing, windows, siding, interior finishes, doors, casework, painting, roofing), mechanical (new furnace, ductwork, etc.), plumbing (new plumbing fixtures, piping, etc), and electrical (new power, lighting, etc.). The project is subject to Davis Bacon Requirements and Tribal Employment Rights Ordinances (TERO). Construction will be allowed to start upon award of the project to the successful bidder. The work is to be substantially complete by September 15, 2022. Each bid submitted shall consist of two separate sealed envelopes, attached together, with each envelope clearly marked on the outside with the contractor's name. Each Bidder shall submit in one envelope a Bid Security in a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the full amount of the Bid, executed by a surety company authorized to do business in North Dakota; the security shall be for the highest amount of the Bidder's total bid combination. All bonds shall comply with North Dakota Century Code, including Chapter 48-01 as amended. Each Bidder shall hold a current and valid North Dakota Contractor's License of the proper class issued by the Secretary of State and shall enclose a copy of the license or certificate of renewal of the license in the same envelope as the Bidder's Security. Each Bidder shall submit in the second envelope the Bid Form supplied with the Bidding Documents or through Addenda. Bid submittals which do not comply with the instructions in this advertisement will not be opened or publicly read. Questions regarding the bidding documents shall be directed to EngTech Engineers and Architects. Product substitution requests must use the Substitution Request Form found in the Project Manual and must be received in writing or by e-mail on or before five (5) days prior to the bid opening. All project questions must be received in writing or by e-mail on or before five (5) days prior to the bid opening. The Owner reserves the right to hold all legitimate bids for a period of Thirty (30) days after the date fixed for the opening thereof. The Owner further reserves the right to reject any and all bids and rebid the project until a satisfactory bid is received, and to waive any informalities or irregularities.

Final Planning



Public - Federal

Addition, Demolition, Paving, Renovation, Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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4370 US-281, Belcourt, ND

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