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Published January 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Lanse, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

**As of 1/5/2022 Project has no awards yet , no time frame . At the MDOT L'Anse Maintenance Garage, install a new roof canopy on the East side of the building over the employee breakroom entrance. The new canopy shall be a self supported steel structure on concrete sonotube footings. The roof surface will be a painted steel plate welded to the roof frame. The canopy will not touch the existing building, so no work will need to be performed on the building. Limited asphalt paving and concrete sidewalk demolition and replacement will be required to install the new footings. Also install a new steel protective screen in front of the mechanical units located south of the employee breakroom entrance. This will be fastened to the existing steel bollards. An existing ADA parking spot will need to be relocated which will involve moving the existing signage and removing and installing new parking lane striping. At the MDOT Houghton Maintenance Garage, remove a portion of the existing eave on the truck wash bay and install a new 23' long parapet wall above the exterior wall of the wash bay. The parapet wall will be of wood construction with metal siding to match the existing siding on the truck garage. Work will include minor masonry joint sealing and insulating the existing masonry wall of the truck garage above the maintenance garage and wash bay roof, covering the newly insulated wall and new parapet wall with membrane roofing, and adding a roof drain behind the parapet wall and routing it under the concrete and asphalt drive area to discharge into an open bottom precast storm structure. Sol No/ 220000000086




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Multiple Locations, Lanse, MI

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