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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Dover, Delaware. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Dover operates and maintains seven (7) Elevated Storage Tanks, which provide a potable supply of water for residential, commercial, and industrial users within the City's service area. Also, the City of Dover owns and operates Granular Activated Carbon Columns (GACC) with an Anti-Siphon Loop, Lime Silo, Lime Mix Tank, pressure filters and Clear Wells at the Water Treatment Plant. In order to maintain properly functioning facilities and source of potable water, periodic cleaning, exterior painting, interior painting, and yearly inspection is needed. A proposal received after the closing date and time for receipt of the proposals is late and shall not be considered. It is the responsibility of the submitter to ensure that the proposal is received prior to the closing date and time. If you have questions concerning this Request for Proposal, they must be made in writing and emailed to me at All questions must be submitted no later than Wednesday, August 12, 2020. All questions will be compiled and answered in the form of an addendum and will be emailed to all prospective proposers who return the RFP solicitation form attached and will be posted. All changes or corrections to this Request for Proposal will be handled by addenda issued by the Purchasing Office. The receipt of all Addenda must be acknowledged on the proposal submission form. The City of Dover reserves the right to request corrections, clarifications, and/or additional information pertaining to proposer's response. Proposals will be opened publicly at the time and place designated in this letter. The name of each offeror shall be read publicly and recorded. All other information contained in the proposals shall be confidential so as to avoid disclosure of contents prejudicial to competing offerors during the process of negotiation. The main purpose of the RFP opening is to reveal the name(s) of the submitter(s), not to serve as a forum for determining the award. The contract shall be awarded within 90 days of the closing date to the offeror whose proposal is determined in writing to be most advantageous to the City. All prices must be held firm for a minimum of 90 days from the date of the opening. The proposals, summaries, and tabulations shall not be open for public inspection until after receipt of a fully executed contract. The City of Dover reserves the right to waive technicalities, to reject any or all submissions, or any portion thereof, to advertise for new proposals, to proceed to do the work otherwise, or to abandon the work, if in the best interest of the City. All vendors must completely fill out, sign,date, and return the attached "Consent for Disclosure Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)" form with their submission. Failure to return the completed form may result in your submission being declared "non-responsive" and it may not be considered. Any and all proprietary information contained within the proposal must be clearly marked. The cover must indicate that the proposal contains such information. Copies of the proposals will not be provided to competing vendors prior to the acceptance of a signed contract or Purchase Order. Minority, women, veteran, service-disabled veteran, and individuals with disabilities owned vendor preference shall be three percent (3%) of the value of the award. The vendor must identify qualification and claim to the preference on the submitted proposal documents.The vendor must provide authoritative proof of minority ownership such as identification in the certification directory maintained by the State of Delaware Office of Supplier Diversity to qualify for this preference. This preference is to be considered as a stand-alone and cannot be added to any other preference that may be allowed. This preference shall not apply to subcontractors. Local vendor preference shall be considered for materials, equipment, construction contracts, and utility contracts. Local vendor preference shall be three percent (3%) of the annual value of the award. Envelopes must be marked "Elevated Water Storage Tank Inspection and Maintenance for the City of Dover, RFP Number 21-0001WW." No faxed or emailed proposals will be accepted. The City of Dover shall have the right to reject any or all proposals if deemed to be in the best interest of the City, such as but not limited to local vendor preference and minority vendor preference while awarding. Contract Duration: Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 to FY 2030 Wednesday, August 19, 2020 Addendum issued/answers to proposer's questions published Friday, September 18, 2020 City Completes Evaluation of Proposals Tuesday, October 13, 2020 City Issues Notice of Award Tuesday, October 20, 2020 Contract Execution


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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