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Published May 12, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Madison, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

As of November 28, 2022, the project has been awarded. A timeline for construction has not been confirmed. In general the work consists of renovation of the food service building at Mendota Mental Health Institute. A new kitchen will be constructed in the location of the present Conference Center space. This will allow meal preparation to continue while the new kitchen is constructed. All mechanical electrical and plumbing systems will be replaced. Abandoned built in coolers and freezers will be demolished to allow for better food and material storage in the lower level. The building envelope will be repaired to preserve the structural integrity of the building. An accessible entrance and vertical platform lift will be added to the west building entrance. This project is being let using a new single prime bidding and contracting process. DFD will publicly bid the applicable mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection (MEP) divisions of work first. Within 5 days of the MEP bid opening, DFD will identify a lowest, qualified, responsible, certified bidder in each applicable MEP division of work. These successful MEP bids must be included in all general prime contractor bids received. No later than 5 days after DFD identifies the successful MEP bids, DFD will publicly open general prime contractor bids. General prime contractor bids that do not include the successful MEP bids will be rejected. The state will enter into a single contract with the lowest, qualified, responsible, certified general prime contractor and this general prime contractor will enter into subcontracts with the successful MEP bidders. PN - 2022012 *Information regarding subcontractor bidding has not been disclosed to the content management team at this time. Interested subcontractors should contact the general contractor directly for more information.




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301 Troy Dr, Madison, WI

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