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Published August 3, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a power facility in Augusta, Georgia. Design plans call for the renovation of a power facility.

As of August 2, 2023, project is in design. A CM/GC has been selected. The Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission (GSFIC), as "Owner", on behalf of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia ("Using Agency" or "BOR"), is seeking firms interested in providing construction management at-risk services for a project known as Project No. J-395 Central Energy Plant Upgrades, at Augusta University in Augusta, Georgia. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) document can be downloaded by selecting the Documents tab at the top of this page. Interested firms should continue to check this site for project related updates. The proposed project is for improvements to the Central Energy Plant and resultant plant optimization will significantly automate plant operations and will increase efficiency, dependability, and serviceability. The scope of work will replace the remaining two chillers and will convert them to 480V to improve efficiency, along with replacement and upgrade of associated pumps, tanks, valves, and digital control systems. It will also include repairs to the cooling towers and associated structures, renovation and recertification of high-temperature generators, pumping controls in 9 buildings on the secondary loop of the chilled water system, and a variety of other energy conservation measures (e.g. metering and re-insulation of chilled and high-temperature water lines). The project will optimize plant performance and efficiency, automate operations currently being performed manually using operator judgement without visibility into critical operating data and parameters, ensure reliability, and reduce the risk of failure. It is anticipated that the completed project will significantly increase the reliability of the plant for critical operations at AU Medical Center, which consumes approximately 60% of the plant output. A first phase of improvements has been completed within the scope of the College of Science and Math Building and J-352, Energy Plant Upgrades project, including the replacement of two chillers along with associated pumps, tanks, valves, and digital control systems. A considerable amount of analysis has been done in advance of this project, both as part of the J-352 project and in anticipation of the currently proposed project. A review of available documentation and evaluation of current systems will be required so that the project can be effectively and optimally designed and constructed. The delivery method for this Project will be Construction Management at-Risk (CM/GC), and, as a minimum, will employ the services of a Commissioning Agent in addition to the services of the Design Professional. The preliminary Stated Cost Limitation (SCL) or construction cost of the project is estimated at $7,500,000.00. The final SCL may be revised by the Owner due to final programmatic requirements, funding availability or other circumstances. Deadline for submission of written questions and requests for clarification 8/18/2022 2:00 PM Deadline for finalist submission of written questions and requests for clarification 9/29/2022 2:00 PM Questions from Construction Professionals about any aspect of the RFP, or the project, shall be submitted in writing (email is preferable) to: Andrew Triemer, Contracts Manager 404-717-0107 andrew.triemer@gsfic.ga.gov


Power Plant


Public - State/Provincial


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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1120 15th St, Augusta, GA

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