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Published March 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a recreation facility in La Farge, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a recreation facility.

In general, the work consists of replacing informational exhibits within the existing display space in the 40 Visitor Center, which occupies 1,624 square feet within the facility. The project will offer new exhibits 41 and displays, upgrade technology, and allow changeable layouts for different seasons and special 42 events. New finishes and lighting are also provided. This project is being let using a new single prime bidding and contracting process. DFD will publicly bid the applicable mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection (MEP) divisions of work first. Within 5 days of the MEP bid opening, DFD will identify a lowest, qualified, responsible, certified bidder in each applicable MEP division of work. These successful MEP bids must be included in all general prime contractor bids received. No later than 5 days after DFD identifies the successful MEP bids, DFD will publicly open general prime contractor bids. General prime contractor bids that do not include the successful MEP bids will be rejected. The state will enter into a single contract with the lowest, qualified, responsible, certified general prime contractor and this general prime contractor will enter into subcontracts with the successful MEP bidders. If a project does not include any mechanical, electrical, plumbing, or fire protection divisions of work, DFD will bid one bid package for all work to general prime contractors. If a bidder is unable to attend the pre-bid conference, the site can be visited during regular hours of operation, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Saturday. Visitors shall observe all posted requirements for health and safety. Coordinate time of visit with Erica Cronk (608-625-2960) for access to any areas not open to the public. Failure to visit the site of failure to examine any and all Contract Document will in no way relieve the successful contractor from necessity of furnishing any materials or equipment, or performing any work, that may be required to complete the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. In the event that measures in response to the coronavirus prevent holding the meeting in person, the pre-bid conference will be held virtually via a live webinar. Advance registration for participation in the webinar is required and bidders should contact FEH Design 36 houts in advance of the pre-bid conference to receive information. Start Date: April 2022 End Date: Aug 2022


Amusement and Recreation


Public - State/Provincial


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February 8, 2022

April 1, 2022


S3661 WI-131, La Farge, WI

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