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Published January 28, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Kansas City, Kansas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

This job provides for two separate equipment replacements consisting of the Hansen WTP Facility 2 North HVAC Improvements and the Missouri Presed Residuals Building Sump Pump Replacement. The work at the Hansen WTP Facility 2 North HVAC Improvements will include the replacement of Chiller Nos. 4 & 5 including the expansion tank, air separator, chemical feed pot, electrical and I&C circuits, and the adjacent piping and valves as required to accommodate the installation of the new equipment. The work will also include the replacement of Air Handling Unit No. 7 & 8, electrical and I&C circuits and adjacent piping and valves as required to accommodate the installation of the new equipment. The work at the Missouri Presed involves the replacement of the existing simplex sump pump located in the Residual Building basement with a new duplex sump pump system including electrical and piping modifications to accommodate the installation of the new equipment. 2. Job No. AC-20015 - 2020 Mechanical Electrical Improvements: This job provides for four different tasks to be completed at various locations within the Hansen Water Treatment Plant. The first work item consists of the replacement of the House Water Valves and Flowmeter Replacements in the Operations and Maintenance Building. The Owner is pre-purchasing the three flowmeters for installation by the Contractor. The second work item provides for the replacement of three Soda Ash Storage Bin Valves with new valves, actuators and all required electrical modifications to accommodate the installation of the new valves and actuators. The Owner is pre-purchasing the three new knife gate valves and actuators for installation by the Contractor. The third task provides for modifications of the Facility 2 South Cooling Water Return Line that currently discharges into the F2S Splitter Box. The discharge line shall be modified to incorporate an additional control valve and buried discharge line connecting to the Facility 2 Phase I viewing pit. The fourth and final work item proves for the replacement of the Facility 2 South Wash Water Tank Isolation Valve Replacement. The existing 36-inch diameter butterfly valve will be replaced with a new Owner furnish valve and manual actuator the Contractor will be responsible for installing the valve including the necessary piping modifications. 3. Job No. AC-20017 - Wolcott Residuals System Modifications: This job provides for the replacement of portions of the residuals piping and valving located inside the Wolcott Residuals Building including modifications to the piping to allow more frequent inspection and cleaning of the piping. The Owner will be pre-purchasing two air actuated butterfly valves that control the blowoffs from the Primary and Final Basins. The Owner will also be pre-purchasing the 12" Residuals Discharge Magnetic Flowmeter for installation by the Contractor. The Contractor will also be removing portions of the existing residuals recirculation pump and piping system. 4. Job No. AC-20201 - Facility 2 Filter Effluent Valve Replacements: This job provides for the replacement of the Facility 2 Filter Effluent Valves for Phases 2, 3 and 4. A total of 12 valves (Filters 17 through 28) shall be replaced. The Owner will be pre-purchasing the twelve 18" butterfly valves and new five degree offset coupling. The Owner will also be pre-purchasing four additional five degree offset couplings to be installed on the existing Effluent Valves on Filters 13 thru 16 located in Phase 1. The existing Rexa controllers and actuators shall be reinstalled. Completion Date: 04/30/2021 Solicitation:-AC-19040


Water / Sewer


Public - County


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Multiple Locations, Kansas City, KS

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