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Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a civil project in Saint Helens, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; water / sewer project; and for outdoor lighting for a road / highway.

Prequalification of Contractors and/or Subcontractors is X is not required. If deemed appropriate by the Engineer, questions that cannot be addressed by direct reference to the bidding documents will be the subject of an addendum issued to all plan holders. Contractor is required to submit bids on both the S. 1st and Strand Street Road and Utilities Extension project and the S. 1st Street at St. Helens Street Intersection Improvements project. Award for the lowest responsive bid will be based on the combined bid total of both projects. The General Character of the Work under this Contract includes: S. 1st and Strand Street Road and Utilities Extension, Project No. 525 Base contract work includes street construction of S. 1st Street from Tualatin Street to Cowlitz Street, all Cowlitz Street improvements, and Strand Street from its existing southern terminus to the Courthouse, construction of new pump station, the pathway along the bluff (including lighting and landscaping), and two water quality swale facilities. Storm drain improvements within the street improvements described above, storm main construction within S. 1st Street (from Plymouth to Tualatin Street), Tualatin Street, and Strand Street (from Tualatin Street to existing southern terminus of Strand Street). Sewer construction includes the force main connection between the pump station and wastewater treatment plant with all the gravity sewer construction shown on the plans. Water line improvements within the street improvements and between Tualatin Street and Plymouth. Add 1 work includes street construction of Tualatin Street, Street A, and Strand Street (from Tualatin Street to the existing southern terminus of Strand Street), including furnishings, lighting, and landscaping within the limits of Add 1. Construction of the waterline extension between the end of existing Strand Street and the intersection of S. 1st Street and Tualatin Street. Stormwater construction includes catch basins for new street construction of Strand Street and Tualatin Street as well as Street A. S. 1st Street at St. Helens Street Intersection Improvements, Project No. R-685 Work is for intersection improvements at the S 1st Street - St. Helens Street intersections and includes new curb extensions, pedestrian crossings, signing, paving, striping, site furnishings, and landscaping. Anticipated Notice to Proceed: August 30, 2022 Project Final Completion: September 15, 2024 The City reserves the right to make changes to the Notice to Contractors/Invitation to Bid and the resulting contract by written addenda, prior to the bid submission deadline and date. No bid will be received or considered unless the Offer is accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, surety bond (bid bond), or irrevocable letter of credit issued by an insured institution as defined in ORS 706.008, in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total amount bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a faithful performance bond and a labor and material payment bond each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the Contract and show proof that the Contractor has filed a public works bond in the amount of $30,000 with Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI). Contractor will also be required to furnish evidence of insurance, including workers' compensation insurance before the Work shall commence. The City shall investigate and determine the qualifications of the apparent low responsive bidder prior to awarding the Contract. The City shall reject any bid by a nonqualified or disqualified bidder. The City reserves the right to reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements and may reject all bids for good cause upon a finding that it is in the public interest to do so. Evaluation of bids will be based on minimum requirements established by the specifications and compliance with conditions of the Notice to Contractors/Invitation to Bid and City's public contracting rules. Additional evaluation criteria are as follows: None Required Pursuant to ORS 279A.120, awards shall be subject to preference for products produced or manufactured in Oregon, providing that price, fitness and quality are equal. The deadline to file a written protest or request, pursuant to Instruction to Bidders to change Contract terms, conditions or specifications is not less than ten (10) calendar days prior to the bid submission deadline. The bid submission deadline may be extended by the City to consider a protest or request. Project Contact for the S. 1st and Strand Street Road and Utilities Extension, Project No. 525 Keith Buisman, P.E., Otak Project Manager, (503) 287-6825, keith.buisman Project Contact for the S. 1st Street at St. Helens Street Intersection Improvements , Project No. R-685 Tony Roos, P.E., Kittelson & Associates Project Manager, (503) 535-7444, City of St. Helens Project Contact: Mouhamad Zaher, City of St. Helens Public Works Director, (503) 366-8235, The City of St. Helens requires all contractors to comply with the City's adopted Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Policies, a copy of which can be obtained from the City Project Manager, supra. The City's programs, services, employment opportunities, volunteer positions and contracts are open to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, or age if the individual is 18 years of age or older. Contractor shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the Work under this Contract, including, without limitation, ORS chapter 279A-C, and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section V of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, ORS 659A.142, and all regulations and administrative rules established pursuant to those laws, and all other applicable requirements of federal and state civil rights and rehabilitation statues, rules and regulations. Contractor shall certify that the Contractor has not discriminated against minorities, women, or emerging small businesses in obtaining any required subcontracts


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work

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