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Renovation of a municipal facility in Salem, Oregon. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

State Lands Building Cooling Tower Replacement Project November 04, 2020 All questions regarding this solicitation must be sent in writing to the SPC. The Work under this Project consists of replacing the existing cooling tower on the roof of the State Lands Building, located at 775 Summer St. NE Suite 100, Salem, OR 97301 with a new cooling tower and replacing the two existing condensing water pumps with new pumps. Work will include associated tower electrical and controls and structural work to bring existing cooling tower supports up to current code levels to support new tower. Owner will occupy site during entire construction period. Work shall be coordinated with the Owner and performed in a manner to minimize impact on Owner's operations. Contractor will be required to obtain all required construction permits prior to December 31, 2020. The purpose of the ITB is to establish a Contract for State Lands Building Cooling Tower Replacement Project at 775 Summer St. NE Suite 100, Salem, Oregon 97301 for the benefit of the Department of State Lands. The Work under this Project consists of replacing the existing cooling tower on the roof of the State Lands Building with a new cooling tower and replacing the two existing condensing water pumps with new pumps and includes all labor, materials, transportation, equipment and services for, and incidental to, the completion of all construction Work in connection with the project described in the Contract Documents. The Work will include associated tower electrical and controls and structural work to bring existing cooling tower supports up to current code levels to support new tower. Owner will occupy site during entire construction period. All Work shall be coordinated with the Owner and performed in a manner to minimize impact on Owner's operations. Contractor will be required to obtain all required construction permits prior to December 31, 2020. This contract is for a Public Work subject to ORS 279C.800 through 279C.870. To comply with the social distancing guidelines, DAS may, in its sole discretion, offer multiple pre-bid conferences at different times on the same date. Bidders and subcontractors shall inquire about available time slots and to schedule an appointment with Yulia Niece, DAS Procurement Contract Specialist,, (971) 719-3087 by 4:00 p.m. (Pacific), November 6, 2020. No more than one representative from each Bidder will be allowed on site and only per scheduled appointment. If pre-bid conference is held indoors, all attendees shall wear proper facial covering at all times and maintain social distancing of six (6) feet. A "face covering" means a cloth, paper, or disposable face covering that covers the nose and the mouth, and for purposes of this policy, does not include a clear plastic "face shield." Attendees are responsible for providing their own face covering. Bidders or Their Representative Are Required to Attend the Mandatory Pre-bid Conference. Bids Will Only Be Evaluated From Bidders or Their Representative Who Registered and Attended the Mandatory Pre-bid Conference, and All Other Bids Will Be Considered Non-responsive. Terms of payment are as stipulated by the Plan Center or vendor and are not regulated by the State. DAS is not responsible for Plan Center or vendor customer services policies Offer(s) may be rejected if not in compliance with bidding procedures and requirements. Any or all offers may be rejected if in the public interest to do so.




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November 19, 2020

December 21, 2020


775 Summer St NE, Salem, OR

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